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Former school teacher reveals the major things homeschoolers are missing out on and it's on point

In a series of videos, the former teacher highlighted the problems children have to face, including sleep deprivation, in the name of education.

Former school teacher reveals the major things homeschoolers are missing out on and it's on point
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor

The current education system is changing and many are of the opinion that it's not for the better. Parents are reconsidering their decision to send their children to school and are opting for homeschooling as a more convenient and quality alternative. A former teacher, who goes by @mindfull.mentor on TikTok, smartly shared a series of videos explaining what children would be missing out on if they were homeschooled. Contrary to the train of thought, the videos call out the exhausting practices and systems schools follow, indicating why homeschooling is the better pick. 

Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor
Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor

The former teacher said, “If you decide to homeschool your children, there are some things they might miss out on and as a former public school teacher, I’d like to point out what these things are.” She then revealed, “Being forced to go way too fast or way too slow for their learning needs.” The former teacher then pointed out the fixed and strict schedules schools follow irrespective of the child's needs. “If you’ve got a class of around 45 students, there’s no way you’re going to be at the correct pace for every student.” 

Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor
Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor

The woman added, “There will be kids who are left behind because you taught at the speed you’re told to. If they had a little more time and you could go slower, they would get it but you’re at the mercy of the schedule, you have to move on.” She then highlighted the efficiency homeschooled students enjoy, being able to practice and learn at the pace they’re best comfortable with. “One of the things that drives me crazy about the education system is this. Who decides that every kid needs to have learned each specific thing?” the former teacher said as she concluded her video.

Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor
Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor

In her next video in the series, she exposed the frivolous test system. “One thing they’re going to miss out on is being overtested to a point where they hate learning,” she said. Adding further, she said, “They are constantly stressed, constantly anxious and it can leave a negative impact on their self-esteem.” She also shared how frequent tests are far from the purpose of testing knowledge, but more about forcing children to mug up for the sake of the test. In the process, they forget to learn and understand and immediately trash out the information post the test. 

Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor
Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor

In another video, the former teacher shared the problem of being unable to cope with the heavy amount of homework and schoolwork owing to kids' sleep deprivation. “When I taught in public school, so many of the kids were walking around like zombies.” She shared how several middle and high schoolers are frequently exhausted due to the heaps of tests and assignments they have. “They have to wake up so early because school starts so early, earlier than it needs to, in my opinion.” The woman also highlighted how these children are at an age where they can acquire their much-needed sleep and are deprived of that, thanks to public schools. 

Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor
Image Source: TikTok/@mindfull.mentor

Parents seemed to be convinced about homeschooling after a few videos. @kristinemega said, “I’m literally at the point where I’m not sending my kids back. I have no idea what to do but I know it's the right decision.” Her other videos included pointers such as students missing out on tons of study because they were absent and never being able to keep up due to the overload. She also mentioned how students are forced to sit at a desk for hours on end with bare breaks and parents agreed with her. 

Image Source: TikTok/@celeste.mommy.of.3
Image Source: TikTok/@celeste.mommy.of.3


Image Source: TikTok/@alyciawilliamsca
Image Source: TikTok/@alyciawilliamsca

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