'Yes, I did cry. She is the sweetest little girl and being the only female in my office, I would always ask her how her day was...,' she shared.
Quitting a job means saying goodbye to a lot of colleagues and friends. Some workplaces even host farewell parties for their departing employees where people could share their fond memories with the person. However, when a child shares their gratitude and sweet memories, it hits differently.
u/Spaceinvader recently took to Reddit to share a heartwarming note she received from her boss's daughter. "Thanks for always giving me someone to talk to when I get back from school. I will miss you heaps," the note reads, ending with a heart and smiley emojis.
The post caption reads, "I quit my job. My boss's 10-year-old daughter gave me this card." u/Spaceinvader added, "Yes I did cry. She is the sweetest little girl and being the only female in my office, I would always ask her how her day was to make sure she felt comfortable." The note gained about 19.6k upvotes on Reddit in just a day.
Many on the social media platform loved the girl's sweet note. u/acceptable_shine_183 commented, "Awww... to be great in the eyes of a child is the best." u/subterranean44 wrote, "Give her a little stationary set, stamps and your address so she can keep in touch. It’s important to have non-parent trusted adults. That’s very sweet." u/armadillostill1222 expressed, "Aw that's so sweet. What a nice kid and so nice of you to make her feel welcome."
u/traumahandshake shared, "My dad worked with a guy named Joe when I was in kindergarten. Joe was this for me, he always took time to answer all the stupid questions I had and he taught me how to make the coolest paper airplanes. I don't remember a lot from my childhood, but fairly often I remember how kind Joe was to me." u/meowmeow0021 wrote, "A drop of water is returned with a spring of water. Your interaction with her may seem trivial to others but seeing this, your simple actions gave her joy and belonging." u/Ringkisser commented, "I'm sure yous can totally be buddies! Send her birthday cards and that sort of thing! It sounds like you both would really appreciate that."
Handwritten notes from kids sure can melt many hearts. In a similar story, a beautiful note was written by a 6-year-old to her mother. It reads, "Dear mom, I'm sorry if you had a ruf day." It was signed off with two hearts. @acqweyand shared the note on Twitter with the caption: " Just found this note from 6 and I will be keeping it until I die."
Just found this note from 6 and I will be keeping it until I die. pic.twitter.com/6qm0Fa2NOu
— Shematologist, MD (@acweyand) February 7, 2023
The post went viral on Twitter with more than 65,000 views. Many Twitter users shared the notes and drawings from their children and just loved the child's message. @LesiaOA commented, "Such a caring soul. This is truly special but it doesn’t hurt to write the name and date on these things because we do forget." @EEEaley commented, "8YO wrote me a note in marker and crayon, last month saying 'Dear Mom, you have a heart of gold.' It’s on the fridge and I’m also keeping it forever." @marymast21 commented, "Yes. Such a keeper. My 18, 19, 30, and 31 yo children love seeing notes like this that I’ve kept from them!"