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Woman issues safety PSA on what not to do in passenger seat using her own example after car accident

She was reminded about passenger seat ethics before but did the exact thing she wasn't supposed to do, which resulted in her getting injured.

Woman issues safety PSA on what not to do in passenger seat using her own example after car accident
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @dsaenz94

When you’re traveling by road, safety must come first. There are several rules set up to remind drivers about road safety. However, for passengers as well, there are certain ethics to follow to maintain the safety aspect. Many are aware of wearing seat belts while traveling in a car. However, there’s another crucial factor to keep in mind if you're in the passenger seat. @dsaenz94 shared a video on TikTok explaining the same and urged her viewers to adhere to an important safety ethic she learned with experience. She posted on TikTok that she met with a car accident while traveling with her husband.

Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94
Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94

The woman is seen recording her video in multiple casts, bandages and braces due to her accident. She begins by saying, “I just wanted to make a quick PSA (public service announcement).” She then mentioned that she was in a car accident a few weeks ago and that she had seen a video six months back regarding passenger ethics. “This lady that worked at a morgue said ‘Things I would never do after seeing these bodies,’” she mentions the video she watched. The lady in the video spoke about how she would never put her feet on the dashboard of a car while traveling as a passenger. “She saw it break your hips and whatnot,” said @dsaenz94.

Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94
Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94

The woman then shared that she used to do the same thing and realized that it needed to stop. “So I stopped doing it for a little bit and then I started doing it again because you just think it’s not going to happen to you,” she confessed. The woman went on to mention that when she and her husband were visiting his grandmother around 15 minutes away, her feet were on the dash and they met with an accident. Sharing the same she said, “We were t-boned on my side. We rolled and I went unconscious.” Stating the severe damage her position caused her, she said, "My left, I have a cast. My left foot, the tibia fibula, broke.” The term is used for one’s calf bone on the lower part of one's leg. 

Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94
Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94

Explaining further, the woman said, “My right foot got stuck between the dash and the window. When I woke up, I was on the ceiling because we were upside down and I felt my foot caught.” She further shared that the firefighters helped take the dash out. “But I had glass all in my toes, it’s all scabbed up,” she added, “Please do not put your feet on the dash. You think it’s not gonna happen to you. I’ve never been in an accident and never broken a bone. Now I broke 4 bones- my humerus, cervical, spine, tibia fibula,” the woman regretfully said. “So yeah, don’t put your feet on the dash,” she concluded. 

Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94
Image Source: TikTok/@dsaenz94

Commenters were not ready for that spooky real-life experience and readily took the advice. Many even shared their experiences. @its_hannah416 said, “I was in an accident at 22 and broke my hips. I’m 24 now with a total hip replacement. Two tips- No feet on the dash and always wear a seatbelt.” @shelby_edwards20 said, “Future WA state trooper here. In my academy, we just went over how people died or got severely injured by not sitting in their seats correctly.” 

Image Source: TikTok/@bspe6969
Image Source: TikTok/@bspe6969


Image Source: TikTok/@hannn_646
Image Source: TikTok/@hannn_646

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