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First-time flyer falls for girlfriend’s prank — claps on landing after being told it was 'plane etiquette'

A man's girlfriend pranked him by telling him how it is etiquette to clap when the flight land and he awkwardly falls for it.

First-time flyer falls for girlfriend’s prank — claps on landing after being told it was 'plane etiquette'
A man and woman smiling and clapping inside a flight. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by gorodenkoff)

Anyone who takes their first plane ride remembers the journey as a thrilling experience. Some lose their nerves over the turbulence, while others are occupied with taking cool pictures of the clouds outside the windows. However, one woman decided to play a little prank on her boyfriend when he took his first flight with her. The woman, Kathleen–who goes by @justbe.koz on TikTok–shared a hilarious clip that gained over 3 million views since it was posted.

A woman hiding her mouth and laughing. (Image Source: TikTok | @justbe.koz)
A woman hiding her mouth and laughing. (Image Source: TikTok | @justbe.koz)

The video perfectly captured how a little bit of harmless prank can help people make some hilarious memories. Under the overhead reading lights, Kathleen sits quietly, trying her best to muffle an outburst of laughter. "My boyfriend is flying for the first time, and I told him it's etiquette to clap hands when the plane lands," the overlay text on the video reads. As Kathleen films herself, she pulls the top part of her hoodie to cover her mouth and hide her smile. She waits a few seconds to watch her plan go into motion.

Then, we hear a single person clapping six times. We do not get a view of the person clapping, but it is evident from Kathleen's reaction that it was her boyfriend who clapped a bit too early as soon as the flight touched down. The clap echoes inside the cabin as all the passengers remain silent, and it becomes way more awkward than people's imagination before the clip ends. The comment section of the video could not hold back their funny remarks either, and some even shared how they did the same thing as Kathleen's boyfriend in some instances. 

Image Source: TikTok | @weeeangie
Image Source: TikTok | @weeeangie

@sunflower_youmatter joked, "It was silent, but how did it become more silent when he started clapping?" @motl3y recalled, "I clapped when we landed in Japan and was the only one on the whole plane." @loveofmeme wondered, "Ok. I'm going to ask, were you flying into ATL or LEX on Saturday from 11:30?' I swear someone clapped like this on my flight." @yourethespraytomybidets wrote, "It's been a while since I flew anywhere, but it used to be a normal thing to show appreciation for a good landing and safe arrival or flight by clapping." @demonic_woof420 mentioned, "I flew from Switzerland to Romania and back a few times and they always cheered and clapped like 75% of people on the plane." @moosejaw1984 added, " A core memory has been created for him and it's not a good one."  

Representative Image Source: Pixabay/Lars Nissen
A flight descending to make a landing (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Lars Nissen)

As for the clapping etiquette, an airline pilot and the author of "Cockpit Confidential," Patrick Smith, had a chat with Newsweek and explained the tradition of people applauding when their flights touched down on the runway safely. "In the past, passengers routinely burst into applause every time their plane touched down. I came of age, flying-wise, in the late '70s and early '80s and the phenomenon was still widespread. No surprise that it seldom happens anymore," Smith revealed. "You'll be apt to look for socioeconomic meaning to this and maybe there is one, but the dynamics of economy class—more people sitting closer together—lend itself to the occasion. There's a certain communal spirit, especially after a long-haul flight."

You can follow Kathleen (@justbe.koz) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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