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Firefighters make a kiddie pool for children after seeing Mom fill her kids’ pool using a pot

The woman from North Carolina was filling the kiddie pool by carrying water in pots and would have taken forever.

Firefighters make a kiddie pool for children after seeing Mom fill her kids’ pool using a pot
Image source: Facebook/Charlotte-Fire-Station-18-The-Wild-Wild-West-152165284795097

Firefighters often go above and beyond the call of duty and this time it was a mother from North Carolina who was thankful. It was a hot day and the woman wanted to make her kids' day by filling up their kiddie pool so they could have a splash in it and beat away the heat and boredom. It was also her young son's birthday so she wanted him to have a good day and what better way than to spend it splashing in the water. She placed the kiddie pool outside in the yard, started to fill it. She didn't have a hose, which meant she had to use a pot and it was going to take time as the kiddie pool needs quite a lot of water. Her kids waited around, waiting to jump into the pool. She would have to take multiple trips indoors and back out onto the yard, to fill the pot.



It became apparent it would take a while but their mother went about filling the pool and that's when a firefighter truck passed by. It was the Charlotte Fire Station 18 that was passing by. When they saw the mother trying to fill a kiddie pool using a pot, they decided to intervene. The firemen were in no hurry, having just attended to a medical call and returning. They decided to make a stop at the woman's house. A firefighter truck is always loaded with water and a firehose, so they knew it would take them all of seconds to stop and fill the pool.



They filled the pool and also spend time with the family and the kids, making the birthday boy's day. Firehouse 18 also decided to treasure the memory and took a couple of pictures with the family before sharing them on their page. The incident happened three years ago in 2018 but still rings a chord with the people. "Firehouse 18 is a neighborhood firehouse full of men and women who truly care about the families they swore to protect," read the post. "Today, after leaving a medical call, Engine 18 stumbled across a family desperately trying to fill up a kiddy pool by filling pots from the sink for a little boy's birthday on this sweltering day. What was just a simple task for us turned into laughter, smiles, and a life-long memory for the neighborhood kids as well as the men on Engine 18. Proud to serve the WESTSIDE!"



One of the images posted showed the woman in the pool along with her kids and it certainly turned out to be a memorable day. The post went viral and many lauded the firefighters for taking the time off their day to help the mother and kids. "I love random acts of kindness! Great Job in putting a smile on those kids' faces," wrote Toni Maidene. Sandy Johnston Brewer commented, "You fellows are terrific. Such a simple thing to make the kids and Mom happy. Thank you so much. God bless you all."



Shulonda Johnson added, "Men and women like you are the reason I still believe there is good in the world. This act of kindness will definitely impact those kids in a major way. Great job guys." Some commented that the simple act of kindness may even encourage the kids to be firemen when they grow up. "You could have very well drove by, but your trained eyes spotted a need. I can just see the little boy saying, "Momma, I want to be a fireman when I grow up." May God bless all of you, and keep you from harm," wrote John Deere.


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