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Financial expert reveals double standards in splurging on men's vs. women's hobbies

A financial advisor called out society’s double standards, challenging the stereotype that women aren't rich due to frivolous spending.

Financial expert reveals double standards in splurging on men's vs. women's hobbies
Financial advisor shares 'why women aren't rich.' (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @herfirst100k)

Managing finances is not always as easy as it seems on the surface. Men and women often have different ways of handling money. The debate about who is better at it—men or women— has always sparked interesting discussions, with each side claiming their way is smarter and more effective. On a related note, a financial advisor, Tori Dunlap—who goes by @herfirst100k on TikTok—stirred a conversation on the topic on social media with her viral video. Dunlap called out society's double standards, challenging the stereotype that "women aren't rich" because of their frivolous spending.

Woman calls out society's double standards for stereotyping women's spending as frivolous (Image Source: TikTok | @herfirst100k)
Woman calls out society's double standards for stereotyping women's spending as frivolous (Image Source: TikTok | @herfirst100k)

Dunlap argued that women are unfairly blamed for their financial habits, while similar behavior is often overlooked in men. "It's the lattes. It's the manicures. It's shopping, right? The reason women aren't rich is because they f*****g have a shopping addiction. That is just a complete double standard," she said. Dunlap added that her understanding of this distinctive spending pattern between men and women came through extensive research for her book "Financial Feminist." What began as a roast aimed at women quickly turned into a biting commentary on society’s tendency to stereotype women as careless spenders.

Woman calls out society's double standards for stereotyping women's spending as frivolous (Image Source: TikTok | @herfirst100k)
Woman calls out society's double standards for stereotyping women's spending as frivolous (Image Source: TikTok | @herfirst100k)

The money expert further revealed how, despite men’s expensive hobbies, women are often blamed for extravagant and imprudent spending. "Men are out here spending so much money on NFL season tickets, sports betting, golf, video games and all the add-ons—yet, the reason we're not rich as women is because we spend money?" Dunlap asked. "No, I'm sorry. I'm calling out that double standard," she fired back. The financial advisor then explained that the real reason women aren't rich is "systemic oppression." The video garnered overwhelming support, with many netizens backing Dunlap for her bold call-out.

@carly commented, "Yes! My coworkers and boss made fun of me for spending $200 on a concert ticket one time. Meanwhile, they spent $150 on golf every weekend. Not to mention the season tickets to baseball and football games." @bick added, "I’m a woman in the bike industry, and the number of men who will drop $3-5k+ on a bike and then be like 'ha, hope my wife is cool with it!' YIKES." @solacesoulless wrote, "With my husband, it's video game cost in $ but also time. He bragged he spent over 400 hours to finish a game. I thought that was 400 hours you chose to spend alone not engaging with your family."

@nicole shared, "No literally the amount of money my dad spends on tools for his 'shop' and then doesn't actually make anything is insane." @destinystarie chimed in, "I buy the small stuff around the house, thrifted furniture and decor, and sometimes new pajamas. He buys a boat and a dirtbike (+ everything he needs for it) and complains I spend too much money." On the other hand, @juliedolegowski commented, "Has anyone checked the cost of NFL Sunday Ticket lately? My husband very respectfully asked if it was ok to purchase, even though he makes most of our household income. But still, it wasn't cheap."

Image Source: TikTok | @bruce
Image Source: TikTok | @bruce
Image Source: TikTok | @michelle
Image Source: TikTok | @michelle

You can follow Tori Dunlap (@herfirst100k) on TikTok for more financial content.

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