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Father shares how 17-year-old daughter touched his heart with an unexpectedly sweet gesture

It is difficult to parent a teenager. However, these formulative years come with its own set of pleasant surprises.

Father shares how 17-year-old daughter touched his heart with an unexpectedly sweet gesture
Cover Image Source: Reddit/u/NemesisR6

Parenting undoubtedly brings its challenges. If you’re raising a teen or young adult, you’re well aware of tantrums, screaming, rebellions and the constant feeling of just wanting a break. However, this phase also brings some of the most emotional and tear-jerking moments that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. u/NemesisR6 shared a post on Reddit about one such wholesome moment he was lucky enough to experience.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska

u/NemesisR6 mentioned that he was a father to a 17-year-old girl and that parenting is hard. His caption read, “From my 17-year-old daughter. Parenting is hard, but they’ll surprise you sometimes.” The post featured two images that spoke volumes. In the first image, u/NemesisR6 shared a note that his daughter left for her parents. It read, “Couldn’t sleep so I unloaded/ loaded the dishes and tidied up in general.” Just about every parent’s dream. The note further read, “If you leave before I wake up, have a good day! Love, Alyssa.” 

Image Source: Reddit/u/NemesisR6
Image Source: Reddit/u/NemesisR6

Cleaning up without being told to and a warm note. That’s got to be a jackpot! u/NemesisR6 also shared another image that was of the kitchen which looked spick and span. As good as new. Surely, he was moved by how sparkly and crystal clear his teen daughter made the place look. It is simple yet heartwarming moments and gestures like these that fill a parent’s heart. People in the comments section on Reddit were in complete awe and couldn’t help but share their experiences. Many even complimented u/NemesisR6’s daughter and her handwriting. u/Simme1583 said, “My guy, you made a good example of a bright daughter!” u/hapround3290 commented, “Your daughter is very sweet and her actions speak loudly of your relationship.” 

Image Source: Reddit/u/NemesisR6
Image Source: Reddit/u/NemesisR6

Others commented on how they had notes and other materials holding emotional sentiments and have held on to the same for years. u/Zorops said, “I gave my mom a small gold heart necklace when I was younger with the money I made working in the fields. To this day, over 30 years later, she still sends me a  picture whenever she decides to wear it.” u/ktitts said, “This makes my heart happy. Me and my momma have been post-it noting each other forever and we still do! Lovely little notes.”

Image Source: Reddit/u/bmusgrove
Image Source: Reddit/u/bmusgrove
Image Source: Reddit/u/GotThemCakes
Image Source: Reddit/u/GotThemCakes

In a similar instance, a daughter penned a heartwarming and thoughtful note for her mother on her birthday. To give some context, Layla O’Shea is a divorced mother who moved to Los Angeles and was away from her children. Mother to three children, she faced several challenges in her life. Moving on from her divorce, O’Shea decided to fulfill her dream of becoming a screenwriter. After many years of hard work, she finally succeeded and became a screenwriter and even received an award as the best director for one of her films. Her 23-year-old daughter penned a heartwarming note that read, “Hi Mama. You inspire me in so many ways. Socially, professionally, and all the other ways.” 

Representative Image Source: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Grabowska

Her daughter Breezy’s note continued to mention how she was inspired and proud of her mother who finally pursued her dream. Her mother, filled with warmth, shared the same on her social media, expressing her gratitude and love for her title as a mother. One of the most wholesome gestures is handwritten notes. They are distinct evidence that a person was thinking of you and wanted to leave you something tangible that expresses their emotion. The effort in writing a note and leaving it may be minimal, however, the thought matters above everything else in addition to the contents of the note itself.

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