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Dad keeps his hand in awkward and painful position for 45 minutes just so his daughter can sleep well

Some parents go to great lengths in order to make their children's lives comfortable and fulfilling.

Dad keeps his hand in awkward and painful position for 45 minutes just so his daughter can sleep well
A father tucking his daughter into bed. (Representitve Cover Image Source: Pexels | Photo by cottonbro studio)

Some parents go to great lengths in order to make their children's lives comfortable and fulfilling. Sometimes, they don't even think about themselves when they're focusing on their child. A photo shows a father who chooses not to move his hand for 45 minutes just to make sure his daughter gets some sleep on a flight. The photo was posted on SubReddit's "Wholesome moments" by u/therra123. It shows a father supporting his daughter's head as she falls asleep in her airplane seat. The father is seated behind the daughter and does not move his hand for 45 minutes just to not wake his daughter up. 

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

People were moved by this gesture of the father and said that is exactly how a father should treat their children. A person wrote on Reddit, "Yea.. got to love the Daddy moments! This is what makes a daddy." Another added, "She may not realize it now, but she'll always remember the comfort of her father's hand in that moment." Another Reddit user wrote, "I would trade anything for my Dad to do this to me. Some people just want to feel and express love the way they can. Do better people."

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

Sleeping on airplanes is a challenging task for many, especially on long-haul flights. It's often uncomfortable for people to find a comfortable sleeping position. This father did everything he could to make his daughter comfortable and well-rested. However, some Reddit users did not agree with his approach and said that he could have chosen better alternatives.

A person wrote, "While sweet, I feel like the parent could've been way smarter... use a sweater, bring a small pillow, backpack, ask the air stewardess for some blankets and use those. Idk lol it didn't need to come to this." Another said, "I'll give my 9-month-old daughter that treatment, but when she's 10 or 12 or 15, she's gonna have to use some problem-solving skills and get a pillow. I'm raising my daughter to be a woman, not a hopeless damsel in distress."

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit


Another wrote, "This feels creepy to me and over the top for a "daddy moment." The girl is old enough to deal with the situation itself. And I don't even really believe that someone could keep their arm in that position for 45 minutes. Their arm would fall asleep and they wouldn't be able to keep them extended. Even if you tried to do this, you wouldn't be able to keep your arm still and the movement would wake up the girl."

Some users went to the lengths of saying that it is not OK to take pictures of strangers and post them without their permission. A Reddit user wrote, "Why are we ok taking photos of strangers and posting it online? They're people, not objects." Some people even shared their experiences as parents, going to great lengths for their children. A user wrote, "Just today, I placed my hand under my daughter's head to give her a more comfortable sleep for an hour...She is two months old, but still."


This article originally appeared 2 years ago.

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