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Father-daughter's dance routine on 'Shake it Off' is the most adorable thing ever

They have become an internet sensation with their well-coordinated bathroom dances and adorable bond.

Father-daughter's dance routine on 'Shake it Off' is the most adorable thing ever
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @pabloeveronicaoficial

The bond between a father and daughter is truly special, and some dads go the extra mile to nurture it. One such father, Pablo, does so through dance, sharing joyful performances with his daughter, Veronica. The duo, known as @pabloeveronicaoficial on TikTok, regularly posts fun dance routines to popular songs in different settings. However, one video in particular—where they dance to Taylor Swift’s hit song Shake It Off—has captured the internet’s heart. The clip has amassed over 31 million views, 4.3 million likes, and more than 16,000 comments.

Image Source: TikTok | @pabloeveronicaoficial
Image Source: TikTok | @pabloeveronicaoficial

People just could not stop gushing over the cute bond Pablo and Veronica share. @thehookupbyheather commented, "Your daughter has the best smile! Lights up her whole face. Love your videos. They make me happy instantly." @paigenotoutofabook wrote, "I love how you guys are always matching." @livlenabarela expressed, "I hope she knows how lucky she is." Another user shared, "This father and daughter is so cute. I would like to do this with my dad." 

Image Source: TikTok | @pabloeveronicaoficial
Image Source: TikTok | @pabloeveronicaoficial

u/UnitedLab6476 posted the same video on Reddit, where it got quite popular and people praised the father for making beautiful memories with his daughter. u/EitherChannel4874 remarked, "This is what real men do. They have fun with their kids and act silly and let their daughters paint their nails and do all the things that idiots claim 'real men' don't do." u/takethemoment13 pointed out, "It made me happy and it could help fight toxic masculinity by showing the world that dads can do stuff with their daughters that might be called 'girly.'"

Image Source: TikTok | @imanidubois141
Image Source: TikTok | @imanidubois141
Image Source: TikTok | @mj.melox
Image Source: TikTok | @mj.melox

u/Username-Error stated, "Nice to see such innocent passion for a favorite musician. The little girl seems to like it as well." u/DuffmanStillRocks revealed, "So cute! I saw her in Paris this week and there was the 6-year-old in a Reputation outfit and her Mom had her on her shoulders for most of the show and then a little stool to stand on/for Grandma to sit on when Mom got tired."

A father can go to any extent to keep his daughter happy. Like this dad drove five hours to take his daughter to a dad-and-daughter dance. In the wholesome video shared by the girl's grandma Anna—who goes by @annaandherfam on TikTok—the dad showed up at her house with a bouquet to take his daughter to the dance. When the girl saw her dad at the doorstep with flowers in hand, she was moved to tears. The dad embraced her and warmly told her not to cry as it would ruin her makeup.

“My son and his wife drove 5 hours to take his daughter to the dance. If he wanted to, he would. I’m so proud,” the grandma wrote. The girl continued to hold on to her dad. Her dad asked if she was excited to go for the daddy-daughter dance. The girl was dressed for picture day and wasn't aware that they were going for a dance until her dad showed up. Her grandma also shared an adorable video of the father and the girl dancing together at the event. People on the internet expressed how wonderful it was for the dad to show up and give his daughter a precious memory.

You can follow Pablo and Veronica (@pabloeveronicaoficial) on TikTok for more father-daughter dancing moves.

This article originally appeared 3 months ago.

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