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Family surprised dad who hadn't seen his mother for 20 years with a heartfelt reunion

The dad moved to the U.S. 20 years ago and had been away from his mother ever since but his family planned a wholesome reunion for him.

Family surprised dad who hadn't seen his mother for 20 years with a heartfelt reunion
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Good News Network

Adult life gets more challenging as we grow up and take on more responsibilities, but the hardest aspect is to leave one’s family and home to make a life. A man named Juan, who had been away from his mother for 2 whole decades after moving to America, was wholesomely reunited with her in a tear-jerking moment, as reported by Good News Network. Juan moved from Peru to the United States 20 years ago, away from his mother. His family decided to set up the ideal plan to reunite him with his mother back in the U.S.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| August de Richelieu
Representative Image Source: Pexels| August de Richelieu

Juan’s 10-year-old daughter, Mia Bernal, and his son, Aiden Bernal, hatched the perfect plan to surprise the man. They got their grandma to come all the way from Peru to the U.S. for the first time and began creatively strategizing how to get their dad to reunite with her. A birthday party was hosted for Aiden at his aunt Nelly’s house. The family picked up Juan’s 75-year-old mother from the airport at the crack of dawn and drove her straight to Nelly’s home. Juan was clueless about the plan and assumed the family was meeting for Aiden’s birthday.

Representative Imag Source: Pexels| Ksenia Chernaya
Representative Imag Source: Pexels| Ksenia Chernaya

“It’s been almost 20 years since he last saw her. We picked her up at the airport at 4:00 in the morning while my dad was sleeping, so he didn’t notice anything,” Mia recalled. “I had the idea for Aiden to blow out the candles and wish that our grandma was here. Right after that, she’ll show up and surprise our dad,” Mia creatively said. “She also wanted to cook some of my dad’s favorite Peruvian dishes!” the little girl added. The publication shared a video of the family’s delightful smiles and tears as the man finally found comfort in the arms of his mother.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Emma Bauso
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Emma Bauso

The little boy wished his “Mamita Josefina” would be there before blowing off the candles on the cake. The dad, confused, sat on his chair and wondered. As soon as Aiden said those words, Juan’s mom stood behind him and covered his eyes. She gave him a gentle kiss on his head and stood beside him. Overwhelmed with emotion, Juan had no idea how to respond. He took off his mother’s hands from his eyes and quickly turned around to see whether it was true. As soon as he laid eyes on his mother, the duo went in for the tightest embrace, with tears and smiles.

They stayed in each other’s arms for the next few minutes, in tears and with much relief and comfort. While the family cheered them on, they couldn’t help but get emotional on seeing the dad meet with his mother after 20 years. Juan finally got the pampering and love he ached for 2 decades from his mother. Mia is convinced this was “one of the best surprises” in her father’s life. 


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