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Family puts together spectacular funeral for late grandmother displaying all the quilts she sewed

Over the years, Margaret Hubl had sewed quilts for each one of her children and grandchildren and after her death they became a warm reminder of her love.

Family puts together spectacular funeral for late grandmother displaying all the quilts she sewed

When Margaret Hubl passed away at the age of 89 in July 2016, it marked the end of an era for her beloved family. However, her family knew they'd never have to search too far for a reminder of just how much she loved them. You see, over the years Hubl ensured that her children and grandchildren never felt sad or alone in the world no matter how far they were away from their loved ones. She was a quilter, and while for most people it's nothing more than a hobby, for her it was a way to communicate her love for her family.



According to TODAY, Hubl spent her entire life caring for her family. Apart from raising her three children, she opened up her home and heart for sister-in-law's twins after a tragic accident turned their world upside down. Although Hubl and her husband, Henry, had to raise all 5 children in a small three-bedroom home on their farm, their kids were never left wanting for love and care. She took up sewing so she could make clothes for her children and as they grew up and had kids of their own, she began the tradition of making each grandchild a quilt as they graduated from high school.

"She wanted us to have something to wrap up and keep warm in when we went away to school," said Hubl's granddaughter, Christina Tollman. She poured her heart and soul into crafting each quilt and it was only after her death that her family realized just how committed she was to this tradition. "When we sat down to go through her things we found this — I call it a pocket notebook. Inside it says whose quilt she was working on, what day she put it in the quilt frame and which day she took it out," said Tollman.



Wanting to honor Hubl's legacy, her children and grandchildren decided to drape all the quilts she had made for them over the backs of the pews at her funeral. "Never did I imagine how many there were. We covered almost every single pew in that church. I never knew how many she actually made," said Tollman. Hubl's quilts had become a cherished gift for her grandchildren with her creations becoming incredibly intricate and detailed over the years. They began looking forward to receiving their grandmother's special quilts on their wedding day and before her death, she'd even made sure to craft one each for those who were yet to tie the knot. 

"I actually have three cousins that are not married, and the day of her funeral was the day that they got to see their quilts for the first time. That was really kind of a neat moment," said Tollman. While a quilt may not mean much to most people, for Hubl's family it is something that gives them hope and comfort on their bad days. "This is the love that Grandma made for each of us. This is what she made for each of us to wrap up in when we hurt," her granddaughter said. "When we miss her."



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