The reply surprised many people on the internet because of the discrimination the employee faced by the company.
Most professionals in their lives have witnessed someone getting fired if they have not experienced it firsthand. Many times, it happens because of long-standing issues that the employee shows, but other times, people get fired either for some genuine or bizarre reasons at an unbelievably fast pace. In a Reddit thread by u/bartertownbeer, the person asked others, "What is the fastest you have ever seen a new co-worker get fired?" Many people shared their stories, but a particular one caught the attention of people on X the most.
On the Reddit thread, u/sjbluebirds shared, "First day of work, a coworker asks for a short break and some space in a storage closet to put down his prayer rug. Was fired almost immediately. About six months later, we were all laid off when the company went bankrupt paying out his discrimination lawsuit." Quite a few people on Reddit were surprised by the amount of discrimination the guy was shown by the company. Many people believed the company got what it deserved for discriminating against a person because of their religion. u/TravellingBeard wrote, "Company I used to work for in IT actually had a dedicated prayer room for Muslim employees, with a special sink for washing feet. The owners were not Muslim and it was a small mutual fund company."
u/InfinirexSterben remarked, "Now that's some sweet karma. Sorry, you got laid off in the process, though." u/cfish1024 commented, "Oh my god, I thought your next paragraph was going to be a second unrelated story and that was all you were going to say about the prayer guy for some reason and my brain was shorting like, that's really messed up!" A screenshot of the post and the comment were shared on X by non aesthetic things (@PicturesFoIder) with the caption, "Oh my god." People took to the comments section of the post to express their opinions on the situation.
Guess the company didn't pray hard enough for better legal advice
— Lev Vercetti (@levvercetti) August 25, 2024
@AimThaMachine_ commented, "Wait, what's wrong with a prayer rug? It's a prayer rug! As long as he won't be praying during office hours, then I stand with him and it's great the discrimination lawsuit bankrupted the company." @ewinhun expressed, "Good. I'm an atheist, but some companies should go bankrupt on account of not being viable. They obviously were not aware of the law, arguably the first thing a company should be aware of. Someone taking a break to pray isn't worse than doing so to make a phone call." @Afreemanfrancis felt, "I don't understand how refusing to accommodate someone is discrimination when the accommodations have no equivalent for any other demographic..."
@franzjaeger_ber replied to the person, "You don't have to understand. It's the law, that nobody can be fired (discriminated by a company) because of his religion. Just follow the law and all is fine." @JarlisHL recounted, "About a decade ago, I was taking courses to be a security guard. The instructor was an English guy of Pakistani descent. This topic came up during a discussion of civil disobedience, my former place of employment had a guy taking 3 breaks per workday to pray for 5 min each time. The instructor insisted that while you can't deny people the right to pray, just the when and where. Like, on his mandated breaks and not company ground he could pray all he liked. But then he claimed that Muslims were only mandated to pray twice per day, sunrise and sunset."