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Eye donor's family receives heartfelt letter of gratitude from the recipient: 'Greatest gift of all'

Donating organs after demise is one of the kindest and most selfless things a person can do for other people.

Eye donor's family receives heartfelt letter of gratitude from the recipient: 'Greatest gift of all'
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Kirill Dratsevich; Reddit | u/Charmed264

There are very few things in the world that are as painful as the death of a loved one. When you experience that, it feels like you have lost a part of yourself. However. what happens when you need to fill out forms to donate the organs of your loved ones to fulfill their last wish? As noble as the thought and task may be, it is a daunting thing to do for the sake of your loved one. In a story posted on Reddit along with a letter by u/Charmed264, we see how this task becomes a little less daunting.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | MART PRODUCTION
Representative Image Source: Pexels | MART PRODUCTION

The kid of the deceased began their story by telling the viewer their father passed away in April 2023. The cause of his death was stage four esophageal cancer. The father always wanted to be able to donate at least one organ to someone after his death. The child talks about their dad wanting that and says, "He always said he would be happy if he could even help one person by donating his organs." As per the child, the father always thought and believed that the cancer he had had shrunk his ability to be able to donate. However, this turned out to be only partially true.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Charmed264
Image Source: Reddit | u/Charmed264

The child said that while the cancer in their father's body had compromised most of his organs, his eyes weren't one of those affected organs. Therefore, the father was able to donate both his eyes after his demise. While giving more details, the child added, "The eye bank said he was able to help 2 people." And in a beautiful turn of events, one of the two recipients of the father's eyes reached out to the child and sent them a card.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | João Jesus
Representative Image Source: Pexels | João Jesus

The card read, "There are not enough words to express my gratitude for the gift of sight. I would like to express my sincere condolences and sympathy for the loss of your loved one." The recipient ended the card on a grateful note and added, "I will be forever grateful for their thoughtful kindness and generous spirit. Thank you." While their name was hidden for confidentiality purposes, the child was feeling good since they were confident this would have made their father happy. They said, "It would make my Dad happy to know because of him someone can now see." The child ends the post with the note that they planned to keep this card with them forever and that their father will always remain their hero.

Image Source: Reddit | u/IndoorPool
Image Source: Reddit | u/IndoorPool

u/appearx said, "Organ donation is one of the most underrated but hugely impactful acts of kindness any human can do at the end of their life. It's quiet and humble. It asks for no reward, no thanks, nothing. Simply take what you need and use it to heal someone else in otherwise impossible ways. Heroic." u/AYeltSituation shared, "My wife donated upon her death with the saying 'If I could save just 1 other from this hell, I'll do it.' It's hard knowing what's missing with her, but I support everything she says. The morning she passed, I had to fill out more paperwork to fulfill her wishes. I miss her like hell, but I agree helping others is the key to life. Op, you're in a special club now." u/Big-Mine9790 said, "I can hope that the recipients are going to spend their lives looking at all the beauty around them and thank your dad - he will still be enjoying sunrises and baby smiles."

Image Source: Reddit | u/guyute2588
Image Source: Reddit | u/guyute2588

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