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Expert explains why people should avoid spending too much for Christmas shopping

The finance coach issues urgent warnings against Christmas shopping, highlighting the need for people to make better financial choices.

Expert explains why people should avoid spending too much for Christmas shopping
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinance

Christmas time is approaching and that usually means that many people spend worryingly large amounts of money on shopping. They end up buying gifts for their loved ones all because it's the festive season. TikTok content creator @honestpersonalfinance shared a very passionate video where he attempts to dissuade viewers from indulging in shopping for Christmas. The video has gained 61.3K views on the social media site.

Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances
Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances

The man begins the video by telling viewers that there is no need for them to go shopping. He explains, "This time of the year ruins more people's finances than any other time of the year! Don't you dare become part of that statistic!" The man states how nobody was actually obligated to gift people anything on Christmas. As for kids, he reasons that they would not remember who got them which gift over time. He further adds that most gifts will become useless over time, making it a complete waste of money.

Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances
Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances

He says, "You're complaining about the cost of living and inflation ruining your finances, yet you still have the audacity to think that you need to go shopping! What the hell is wrong with you?" The man blames people's "materialism" as a primary factor to them losing money and that they wanted to blame somebody else for it. His rant does not stop as he faults people for falling into corporate America's traps to lose their money. The creator reasons that people do not necessarily need to go about shopping during Christmas and that it was all a marketing tactic to gain profits.

Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances
Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances

According to the man, people who succumbed to such devious marketing tactics would be broken their entire life. He says, "Being broke is the most miserable way you can ever live in the United States. This society has no sympathy for broke people." He then asks viewers to make a choice between wasting their money or choosing to invest their money and become rich. The creator reasons that the only winners during the Christmas shopping spree time were the investors and not the shoppers.

Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances
Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances

He concludes his passionate rant by saying that consumers were losers every single time and requesting people not to fall into the trap. The man's hard-hitting advice proved to be a wake-up call for many people on the platform and they shared their thoughts in the comments section. @smilesunity shared, "I stopped celebrating Christmas many years ago. The feeling of having money in January was hard. Now, I always have money in January." @honestpersonalfinance agreed and replied, "You can celebrate Christmas without wasting money. Loving family should always support you in becoming financially literate."

Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances
Image Source: TikTok | @honestpersonalfinances
Image Source: TikTok | @lvfastlife
Image Source: TikTok | @lvfastlife
Image Source: TikTok | @lentils53
Image Source: TikTok | @lentils53

@elizabethrockmo commented, "So validating. I'm not going more broke to buy my rich siblings and parents stuff they don't want." @rc6019, decided to capitalize on Christmas time by making cookies. They said, "I'm making cookies and giving them as gifts. $10 of ingredients and $2-$3 of packaging from Dollarama. A couple of hours of my time. That's it!" @djtheeman said, "I love being yelled at about this before starting my day. Thank you, lol."

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