She emphasized and questioned why men were not expected to do the same.
In most cultures, many women often change their last names, adopting their husband's surnames, to honor their marital relationship. While some believe that taking the husband's last name symbolizes love and companionship, many argue that this outdated practice reinforces patriarchal norms. However, ultimately the choice of changing names after marriage remains completely personal, with many people advocating for the freedom to decide for themselves without any societal pressure and expectations. Similarly, Haley Metzger (@haley.metzger on TikTok) took to her social media, talking about "why women shouldn't take their husband's last name."
"Ladies, if you get married, do not take your husband's last name," Metzger began, as she explained the tradition of changing names after marriage dates back to when they were treated as husbands' property. Further, the content creator shared how even with so much modernization, 79% of the women in the US take their husbands' last names. However, compared to that statistical data, 92% of men keep their original names without any changes after entering the nuptial agreement, as per Pew Research.
Although Metzger acknowledged that people have different reasons to take their husbands' last names, she sternly pointed out that men aren't expected to do the same. "If you are a woman in a heterosexual relationship, I challenge you to ask your boyfriend if he would consider taking your name when you get married and watch his reaction," she asked.
Moreover, Metzger shared a shocking story about a girl she knew who was married with kids and was literally forced to change her maiden name after marriage. "I once mentioned to her that I would not change my name if I got married, and she told me she always wanted to keep her maiden name, but when she met her husband, he said he would never marry a woman who wouldn't change her name to his," she revealed. Metzger further clarified that she doesn't judge women who change their last names, but she urged them to acknowledge that their identity is as important as that of their male counterparts. Metzger also talked about various talented female artists who have been forgotten because they changed their names. "You probably know your mother's maiden name, but I bet you don't know your grandma's, and you definitely don't know your great-grandma's," she said.
Meanwhile, reacting to Metzger's video, @piperthebird commented, "Not taking his name and our future kids will have my name, since I’ll be growing them and pushing them out!" Similarly, @mollzdollz shared, "I told my bf the kids will 100% be getting my last name, and he said he’s down to take mine!" @lizzk.28 revealed, "I took my husband's name because my maiden name came from a HEAVILY abusive family. I no longer wished to be connected to that family any longer. I wanted a new start with my own family. I am so happy!"
@emileedragoo wrote, "My husband took my last name when we got married!! He hates his dad; I love mine; it was a super simple decision. There are good men out there, I swear!" @chloessoup wrote, "NONE of the women in the generation above me took their husbands' last name. I have my MOTHER'S last name. I will be keeping the family tradition going." @elliiebowden said, "I know my Nannas and my great Nannas because of a family tradition where the daughter's middle name is the grandmother’s maiden name. I’ve hated it my whole life; this video changed that entirely!"
You can follow Haley Metzger (@haley.metzger) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.