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Every time she drives by, her boyfriend does the cutest thing and it's peak 'golden retriever' energy

The simple yet sweet gesture had people swooning, with the internet being in awe of the amount of effort he puts in.

Every time she drives by, her boyfriend does the cutest thing and it's peak 'golden retriever' energy
(L) Man with his dog; (M) A man in his jeep; (R) Man holding a piece of cardboard. (Cover Image Source: TikTok | @swannyslay)

In relationships, small gestures mean as much as grand ones, maybe even more. When you know someone is thinking of you, even in the smallest ways, it can make all the difference. One woman experiences that kind of love every single morning. The woman, Ella Swanberg–who goes by @swannyslay on TikTok–shared the most heartwarming thing her boyfriend, Spencer Canny, does every morning when she passes his house on her way to work—and it’s the kind of romance people dream about. As she drives past, he’s always there, waving at her. Some mornings, he’s at the door. Other times, he’s standing outside, waving with his dog by his side.

(L) Man holding a cardboard piece; (R) Man waving and smiling. (Image Souce: TikTok | @swannyslay)
(L) Man holding a cardboard piece; (R) Man waving and smiling. (Image Souce: TikTok | @swannyslay)

Her video is an amalgamation of various clips. In one of the clips, he is seen playfully waving along with his dog. Even if he is out and about, he does not miss it. In another clip, he’s driving by in a jeep, rolling down the window with a huge grin and his hand stretched out, waving. He is even seen standing outside holding a handwritten sign that read, “Te vas a España, te amo” (You’re going to Spain, I love you). Swanberg captioned the video, "Best draft of them all." The video gained over 484k views, and people in the comments were in awe of the small but incredibly sweet gesture.

(L) Man waving and smiling; (R) Man with his dog waving and smiling. (Image Souce: TikTok | @swannyslay)
(L) Man waving and smiling; (R) Man with his dog waving and smiling. (Image Souce: TikTok | @swannyslay)

@michelleyoung said, "Be right back, telling my fiancé he needs to move out, so we can do this." @knsz1877 wrote, "That’s not your boyfriend. That’s your future husband." @caseylonglegs commented, "The goldenest of the golden retriever boyfriends." @loveconquersall214 added, "This is ridiculously beautiful. The sweetest man. The bar is raised now. I don’t care if he doesn’t live on my way, he will be waving." @marydeanndra quipped, "And this is why our expectations are so high, yes girl." @abigailbretey said, "What the cuteness is this!? And he’s just waiting watching for you not even on a phone or something."

@hayscrouse shared her sweet moment, writing, "My boyfriend makes sure to drive past me in his huge work truck with all of his convoy behind him. They all honk and wave to me as I stand outside of a food truck. It’s the little things." Some were keen to see the couple's proposal. @rebecca0512 said, "The day he proposes via a sign when you are on the way to work. He’s in a suit and tie on the corner, holding the sign and drops to one knee. I can’t wait. Algorithm, bring me back." @kimmerzmomof2 chimed in, "If there’s ever a proposal, this is how he needs to do it!!! @dalainemusic penned, "He better propose to you on that corner."

Image Source: TikTok | @lukequalls
Image Source: TikTok | @lukequalls
Image Source: TikTok | @jmarrah
Image Source: TikTok | @jmarrah

The video proved that it's the little things that matter. In another story of a small yet beautiful gesture, a man records his girlfriend’s reaction every time he picks her up from work. No matter how exhausting her day has been, her face instantly brightens the moment she sees him. In the clips, she can be seen running toward the car, skipping excitedly, or even jumping onto the hood in pure joy. On tougher days, her usual energy might be missing, but the love between them remains just as evident. The wholesome routine has people swooning, with many calling her enthusiasm infectious and their relationship something truly special.

You can follow Ella Swanberg (@swannyslay) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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