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Estranged mother rightfully refuses to take entitled daughter back in unless she meets some demands

Mothers are often expected to forget every terrible thing their kids do and give unconditional love, but that cannot be normalized and promoted.

Estranged mother rightfully refuses to take entitled daughter back in unless she meets some demands
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | cottonbro studio; (R) Reddit | u/Ok_Addendum1149

Divorces have become quite a common phenomenon in today's day and age. However, it is the duty of parents to make sure that their children are well taken care of and loved after their separation. In this story shared by u/Ok_Addendum1149, a divorced mother decided to take a stand for herself in front of her daughter. It may seem harsh at first sight, but this mother's strict demeanor disguises nothing but her worry and concern for her daughter.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Снежана
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Снежана

The post starts with the mother stating how she and her husband got divorced when their daughter Maria was 10 years old. While the husband left her with the house, being a stay-at-home mother, she wasn't able to make ends meet initially. While she got a job in her field after a lot of budgeting, her ex-husband faced no such issue. This financial difference in the mother's and father's life made a huge impact on Maria. Since her father spoiled her rotten, she frequently fought with her mother over things she couldn't afford due to financial constraints. Be it not being able to afford a $1,000 laptop for Maria, asking her to get a jo, or asking her not to drop out of school at 17, everything only resulted in arguments between the mother and daughter.

One day, after an argument, Maria decided to leave her mother and stay permanently with her father. The mother tried to reach out to Maria multiple times. She said, "I tried to contact her multiple times, but she told me I wasn't her mother anymore and left her alone." However, something happened 4 years down the line. By the time Maria was 21 years old, her father remarried and asked her to move out. It reminded Maria of her mother and she contacted her. The mother and daughter met and Maria told her that she wanted to move back in with her mother. The mother agreed to it as well but under some conditions.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Liza Summer
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Liza Summer

The conditions were pretty straightforward. The mom wanted Maria to get her GED, work a job for 25+ hours a week and also figure out what she'd like to make a career in. While the mother doesn't expect rent from Maria, she does expect her to buy her things herself, along with helping out with the chores in the shared spaces. The last condition was, "Finally, no partying lifestyle." The daughter was enraged at hearing all the conditions. She went on to tell the woman what a terrible mother she was. To that, the mother said, "I informed her that she made it clear she has no mother." Maria stormed out from there and has been sending texts to her mother after that.

Image Source: Reddit | u/GiraffeThoughts
Image Source: Reddit | u/GiraffeThoughts

People in the comment section sided with the mother and shared their views. u/7hr0wn said, "Those are completely reasonable requests. Beyond reasonable, even. You wouldn't be out of line to ask for bills or contributions to household expenses." u/Salty-Watermelon789 said, "NTA. She's 21 with no GED, no job and no future. She can figure her own living situation out or abide by your very reasonable rules." 

Image Source: Reddit | u/mxzf
Image Source: Reddit | u/mxzf

u/Free_Ad_7708 shared their views and said, "NTA None of those are unreasonable things to ask. Heck, 1 and 3 are things she should be doing anyway. 4 and 5 should be the bare minimum for living with someone. 2 is expected for any adult who doesn't have an alternate source of income. The last is just the price of living rent-free (and probably a good idea anyway)."

Image Source: Reddit | u/keykey_key
Image Source: Reddit | u/keykey_key

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