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Employer completely changes his friendly tone with a job candidate for unusual reason

To be able to find a job and an employer who wants an employee instead of a yes-man is quite rare and this instance is proof of that.

Employer completely changes his friendly tone with a job candidate for unusual reason
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Sora Shimazaki; Reddit | u/Destithen

In today's day and age, getting a job you love as well as one where you are valued is quite difficult. People find it very hard to go through multiple interviews and try to find a good and sustainable job. Reddit user u/hiturtleman was also trying to find another job but he encountered a potentially terrible workplace that reveals the reality of today's toxic work environment. He begins the story with a tip for employers which states that being unreasonable to potential candidates is never the best way or even a decent way to get them to want to work with you, let alone for you. After that, he had attached two screenshots in his Reddit post. They were screenshots from an email conversation the user had with an employer.

Image Source: Reddit | u/hiturtleman
Image Source: Reddit | u/hiturtleman

The first email in the chain was from the employer to the man, with the subject being "Invitation to interview." The employer begins by greeting the employee and thanking the man for applying to the company. Further, he invites the man to an interview. He writes, "I am writing to schedule an interview. I wonder if you are free on coming Monday, December 18th. Great slots for me would be 11:15 AM EST; 11:45 EST or 3 PM EST." The employer ends the email by letting the man know that the former looks forward to hearing from him.

In the next email of the chain, the man replies to the employer. After the basic greetings, the man tells the employer how none of the timings suggested by him can work for the man owing to his current job. However, he shared all the slots he was available at in the coming week. He said, "Unfortunately, I will be at work from 8-4:30 on Monday through Thursday. I would be available for an interview later in the afternoon any of those days or any time on Friday, December 22nd." He asked the employer to let him know what works for him and hit send. However, he would have never guessed the response he got. The employer responded to the man and after curtly thanking him for replying quickly, got to the point. He told the man, "How about this: If you would like to work at <company name> in the future, how about writing us a proper statement that speaks to why you want to work here and what skills and experience you have to share with our community and students?"

Image Source: Reddit | u/hiturtleman
Image Source: Reddit | u/hiturtleman

The employer then goes on to tell the man that once he has more data about him, he will schedule an interview. He also mentions how the man's letter was quite generic and that the employer would expect, as well as appreciate, more enthusiasm towards working for their company. Reading this reply, the man understood the kind of employee they were looking for and knew he wasn't it. He simply told the employer, "If that is the case, then I am quite confused as to why you bothered offering me an interview in the first place." It was a very valid question and after stating it, the man decided that he no longer wanted to work at that company. He said, "I'd like to rescind my application," and moved on.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Weak-Snow-4470
Image Source: Reddit | u/Weak-Snow-4470

u/Dimarya276 said, "I wonder if the owner of that company knows that their recruiter is talking to prospective employees in this way?" u/his_rotundity_ said, "I told one of these people to f*** off and they found me on LinkedIn to tell me how disgusted they were with my vulgarity. I told them that without an apology for their prior bullsh*t, the answer was still going to be f*** themselves. They're fragile and we need to do our part to break them into tiny pieces so they self-select out of people management roles." u/Flamingpotato100 said, "The employers are the ones posting the listing. They’re the ones that need the work done. It’s funny you often get the question why should we hire you? My question is, why should I work for you rather than any other employer who is also in need of my skill set? If the employer doesn’t show enthusiasm in hiring me and my skill set, that’s nowhere I want to work." u/Orcus424 said, "They now know you already have a job. They must be a pretty bad place to work if they know you won't take the job if you have a job. Their target must be desperate people who are happy to have any job at all."

Image Source: Reddit | u/SammyKetto
Image Source: Reddit | u/SammyKetto

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