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Employees put up ruthlessly honest message for customers after being underpaid and disregarded

The employees of the pizzeria had enough of the malignant work environment and called them out publicly through an epic message for the customers.

Employees put up ruthlessly honest message for customers after being underpaid and disregarded
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Anna Tarazevich

Employees have every right to speak out if their workplace does not treat them well. Any issues, such as insufficient payment, work relationships and others, must be addressed. The first step to resolve such problems is to bring it up with management. However, if the same is not heeded, workers should take a persistent stand. Employees at a Pieology Pizzeria collectively did the same. The pizzeria’s employees were forced to work with low wages and faced trouble with their work environment. Reddit user u/knightoffire55 shared the employees’ bold and impactful response to the same. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Anna Tarazevich
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Anna Tarazevich

The workers put up a sign on the entrance door of the outlet that voiced all the injustices they were facing. The sign mentioned the employees had quit and cited their reasons. It read, “We quit! Overworked, underpaid and no shift meals.” Adding more to the sign, the employees suggested, “Support a better business. Thank you for your patronage.” The sign was a well-delivered response to the cruel treatment the outlet rendered. 

Image Source: Reddit|u/knightoffire55
Image Source: Reddit|u/knightoffire55

Several people supported the workers and applauded their bold move. u/I_TRY_TO_BE_POSITIVE_ wrote, “The fact that a free meal was a selling point for any job ever just sings about how f***ed we are.” u/Charleston2Seattle added, “If they were smart and didn’t want flakey employees, they’d pay more than $3.14/hr. The fact that the employees put them on blast publicly is the cherry on the top.”

u/Slicce0fur remarked, “These people were probably getting close to minimum wage and living with multiple roommates just to live paycheck to paycheck. We need more of this.” u/ry_afz said, “I’m glad to hear that. Honestly, if businesses could display employee ratings, benefits, etc, I would support that business even more.” 

Image Source: Reddit|u/Sufficient-Bid1279
Image Source: Reddit|u/Sufficient-Bid1279
Image Source: Reddit|u/mustbe-themonet
Image Source: Reddit|u/mustbe-themonet

In a similar instance, a hotel worker sent in an apt resignation after being overworked. u/vinboslice420 shared an image of the resignation letter. They mentioned they were a customer at the hotel at the time and went over to the reception for something when they spotted the letter. The employee named Milly pointed out how she was getting overworked and exhausted by the manager, Brian. She said, “Since starting here, I have gone above and beyond to accommodate not only our guests but for you, employees and the ever-changing schedule.” She added that after discussing a managerial opportunity, she was treated recklessly. “When I asked you about it, you were cold and short. I asked you about it the next day and you told me, ‘This discussion is over, Milly. You’re being ridiculous,’” the letter read. 

Image Source: Reddit|u/vinboslice420
Image Source: Reddit|u/vinboslice420

Milly further shared a long list of how she always stepped up when needed, but her hard work was disregarded and ignored. “Even in a time of need, you’ve still managed to make me feel unvalued in such a short amount of time. You’ve been quite rude with the discussions I’ve tried having lately. I would be treated better at McDonald’s. In conclusion, I QUIT,” she concluded. People complimented the employee for her sassy and honest move. u/user wrote, “I hope Brian has to fold laundry tomorrow.” u/Leena52 added, “Brian you can now work all those shifts.”

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