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Employees are protesting for better work conditions in China by wearing bizarre outfits to work

Right from pajamas and slippers to gaudy jackets and shoes, the youth of China are going all out to speak up against the degrading work standards.

Employees are protesting for better work conditions in China by wearing bizarre outfits to work
Cover Image Source: Douyin| @Ineffective elixir

People are aware of and have been following the “get ready with me” trends all over social media. These are usually created as a form of entertainment and are done while getting dressed for work, events and so on. While people show off the best outfits and look in this trend, the youth of China have turned the same upside down, per CNN. The younger generations in the country are doing the “Get ready with me trend” but with a purposeful twist. Young employees are picking out the worst attires ranging from robes to slippers to get ready for work as part of a protest against the painstaking working conditions.

Image Source: Douyin|
Image Source: Douyin | @Ineffective elixir

Known for their presentation, ethics and prim and proper stature, the young employees are protesting by doing the opposite so they can be heard. With dull, messy and untidy styles, employees are rebelling against working conditions right from harsh working environments and superiors to low wages and disrespect. The idea of the trend apart from protesting is that there’s no point in putting efforts into getting ready to be professional if the same isn’t being reciprocated. Using Douyin, the Chinese platform for TikTok, youth have been creating reels based on the trend with their twist. They are proudly speaking up about malignant workspaces while sharing and encouraging those with similar plights to put on the untidy rebellion.

Image Source: Douyin|
Image Source: Douyin | @Ineffective elixir

A woman shared a video where she was seen throwing on layers of unhinged and ruthless clothing to work which included mismatched pajamas, slippers, a pink jacket and more. Her outfit was nowhere close to what one would wear at home, let alone to a professional space. While the management is finding the employees’ behavior baffling, the younger generations are well aware of their actions and will not budge. They believe that relentless workplaces do not deserve the extra effort and are not worth putting on the professional, happy faces expected by superiors. Along with applauding and supporting the woman, other employees even shared the horrendous outfits they put on.

Image Source: Douyin|
Image Source: Douyin | @Tao Zi runs Fast d Xin

Another woman shared a picture of her shoes in the comments, explaining how she pulled off a witty stunt. “Wearing high heels to work is compulsory,” she said, sharing a picture of her in heels. However, the heels were not a qualified leather or bold black but rather a furry, bright green pair with eyes and details representing a bizarre creature with a bright yellow to add to the look. Another user shared a picture of their sandals which are far from professional. The black sandals were paired with yellow, long socks, with visible toe-sections and the sandals also had a chunky detail of green and red on them, making them far from a fashion statement and nothing close to work attire either.

Image Source: Douyin|
Image Source: Douyin| @You are winter melon

29-year-old Bohan Qui, founder of the Boh Project reeled in with a valid input saying, “They’re kind of like, why bother when your work and future life prospect is not looking that bright. Before they saw (working) as chasing a dream…and (companies) motivated everyone to fight for the (economic) pie. Now people are like: ‘No that doesn’t exist, or it could be a lie.’”

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