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Employee reveals shocking and humiliating gift they received as a reward and people are in disbelief

For working hard at their job, the employee was rewarded with a cheap and trivial object that they wouldn't even use.

Employee reveals shocking and humiliating gift they received as a reward and people are in disbelief
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vlad Vasnetsov, Reddit | u/Dreid97

Recognition is one thing that every hard-working employee would desire. May it be in the form of an increment in their compensation or other rewards, it speaks volumes when their efforts are acknowledged. However, some employers become too stingy while rewarding their staff. Recently, an Amazon DSP driver who goes by u/Dreid97 on Reddit revealed the reward they were offered on Juneteenth day and it's shockingly substandard. The worker found it humiliating to receive such a trivial gift despite toiling through this strenuous job. Many social media users were in absolute disbelief knowing this was an actual reward.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nataliya Vaitkevich
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Nataliya Vaitkevich

Bafflingly, the Amazon delivery driver was given a rock made of foam as a reward. "They gave us rocks as a reward. It's Juneteenth and we were given rocks to appease suffering," the worker mentioned in the caption. They posted a picture of the rock which was fist-sized and wrapped in a mesh. On the rock was a little note of a grey rock holding the sign that said, "You rock." The workers were thanked for "being awesome," and one cannot be sure how this rock would even be of use to them. Responding to people who couldn't believe that this was the reward, the employee wrote, "I received this today along with a kids-size bag of Cheez-Its." So, a rock and a small Cheez-It was the employer's way of appreciating their workers.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Dreid97
Image Source: Reddit | u/Dreid97

"Because rocks are free, they wanted to give cotton instead but it would cost a penny per person," quipped u/HearYourTune. "Bro I would quit halfway through a route and leave the van where I left the day they gave me a rock as a reward," said u/MusicalTrees23. "If you're gonna give me a rock, at least give me a nice one (or multiple nice ones) so I can potentially sell them as a side hustle. Either that or give us a raise," chimed in u/masterofrequital1914. "It just shows what upper management thinks of their employees. If you have an office tradition of gifting during the holidays or birthday, wrap it up and give it to the manager(s). It would be great as a white elephant gift. Have everyone gift it to everyone else for a few years. Even better, if there is a manager appreciation day or something like that everyone should give their stone as a gift," suggested u/PinpinWeasel.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Rehqb
Image Source: Reddit | u/Rehqb


Image Source: Reddit | u/Massive_Sea_7726
Image Source: Reddit | u/Massive_Sea_7726


Image Source: Reddit | u/TerraIncognito027
Image Source: Reddit | u/TerraIncognito027

Speaking of silly and unreasonable rewards from work, a fierce debate was sparked when a TikTok user shared about Walmart's stingy reward for those who showed up to work despite the blizzard. Millzy (@hiitsmillzy)—a radio personality from Rockford, Illinois—revealed a Facebook post that Walmart shared boasting about their reward to the employees in her video. Turns out, the Walmart store had offered their employees some ramen noodle soup and crackers as a reward for working in such dire climatic conditions.

@hiitsmillzy lmao that pizza party soundin pretty nice right now #fyp ♬ original sound - millzy


"Walmart, you are a Fortune 500 company. Then at the top of the list, you are a multi-billion dollar corporation and your way to show your appreciation is to give your employees 55-cent ramen?" argued Millzy. "I would be so mad. I would clock out and go home," they added. While some users pointed out that this was barely a recognition for employees who worked during the blizzard, others felt that ramen noodles would've been rewarding enough.

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