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Employee quits after being told the job they accepted wasn’t work-from-home as promised

The employee said they had made it clear that wanted to work remotely only to be told to report to work from day 1.

Employee quits after being told the job they accepted wasn’t work-from-home as promised
Image source: Man working from home with cute puppy on his knee - stock photo/Getty Images

The pandemic has changed the dynamics of workplaces all over the world and redefined what work means to everyone. While companies may have called on their employees to work remotely due to the pandemic, it looks like the trend could continue long after the pandemic is over. Many workers who have worked remotely prefer to continue in the same manner as it enables them to devise their own schedules and be more flexible with their work settings. It's even a prerequisite for many people applying for new jobs. One such person had joined a company on the assumption that they would be working remotely, only to be later told that it wasn't an option. Feeling deceived, they did not hesitate to quit the misrepresented job.

Father working from home while holding toddler - stock photo/Getty Images

Reddit user u/meghanerd shared their story and text messages between them and their boss. They had made it clear during the hiring process that they wanted to work from home. The offer stated that they could work remotely "except when needed" and that seemed like a fair agreement. Only "except when needed" seemed to be every day. Here's how the conversation went. Boss: "I am working from home this morning and will be in around 12. Could you please unlock the office door so people are able to drop off redacted paperwork at my desk?" Their boss casually attempted to normalize office work, but the employee stood their ground. They replied, "I am working from home and won't be in myself," only for their boss to respond, 'Why are you working from home today?'"


They reiterated that it was part of the agreement. Their boss responded, "No, that is not what I told you — you are expected to be at Marcus 9 am-5 pm Mon, Wed, Fri, working at home Tue and Thu. I cannot cover you all the time." They weren't having it and let their boss know as much. "If you want to make changes to the job description I was provided, please do so formally in writing so I can reply with my 2-week notice," they replied. 


Their boss appeared to pass it off as a miscommunication and said they would talk to HR and clear the air. "You have clearly misunderstood your job description, which I have clarified for you several times," their boss wrote. They replied, "I look forward to HR explaining to me how "regularly" < "as needed." When the boss demanded they go to work, they replied, "No, I quit."

The boss wasn't expecting that and demanded they serve 2 two weeks' notice before adding, "I think you should discuss this with me before you make hasty decisions without proper reflection. This is not necessary." They made it clear that they weren't going to put up with this kind of toxic workplace. "1. No actually, I won't have to do that. 2. I did discuss this with you; see above. 3. Not hasty, I just don't need the job, and it's not as described. I will drop off my keys and ID at my desk today." If that wasn't enough, they refused to return the ID and keys until the company paid for the commute for them to drop it off. 



Workers have been resigning en masse over the past few months over poor pay, lack of benefits, and toxic workplaces. The demand for workers has also put them in a strong position and not get exploited by toxic bosses and this was just another example of that. Redditor users overwhelmingly sided with the employee and lauded their strong stance. One person wrote, "The fact that this f**ker is working from home themselves while denying OP is so evil." 

This article originally appeared 2 years ago.

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