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Employee mandated to wear suit and tie in 90 plus degrees weather written up for 'being too sweaty'

The employee also received threats mails from managers to never speak against the company.

Employee mandated to wear suit and tie in 90 plus degrees weather written up for 'being too sweaty'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @corporate.sween

Corporate companies are getting too strict with policies and rules that it is disrupting the health and well-being of employees. Whatever the policies are, they must consider the best interest of employees and offer professionalism and comfort at the same time. For an anonymous employee, things were reckless. Ben Sweeny–who goes by @corporate.sween on TikTok–shared a voicemail he received from an employee who was ranting about his situation. The man listens to corporate stories and experiences and tries to offer advice or some take on it. In this employee’s case, it was an absurdity on the company’s end.

Image Source: TikTok|@corpoate.sween
Image Source: TikTok|@corporate.sween

“This is the worst company I have ever worked for,” the employee stated before he could share his experience. The man mentioned that the company “wrote him up for being too sweaty.” What seems like a ridiculous reason to call out had an added bizarre factor. “But they mandated that I wear a suit and tie even though it was over 90 degrees outside,” the employee shared. He mentioned that it was a rule put forth by the company that he dress as mentioned and it was but natural for him to sweat given the weather and conditions. However, when he was dealing with a client outdoors and began to sweat, the company called him out and wrote him up for the same. 

Image Source: TikTok|@corpoate.sween
Image Source: TikTok|@corporate.sween

Things didn’t stop there. The company further tried to hush the employee and sent him threatening letters. “When I quit, they sent me a letter saying that if I said anything bad about the company, they’d sue me,” the employee recalled. Sweeny was baffled on hearing the scenario and went fully sarcastic in his approach. The company’s mindset was so boggling that he chose to further highlight their stupidity. He said, “This sounds like a pretty good manager and pretty great company. If they are writing you up at a job for being too sweaty, optics matter, they’re just trying to help you,” the man hilariously said.

Image Source: TikTok|@corporate.sween
Image Source: TikTok|@corporate.sween

He added, “No. 2, news flash: Coercing employees into writing good reviews about the company, that’s business 101. That’s what any good business leader does.” “I don’t know what you’re complaining about,” he scoffed sarcastically. Several people were disgusted but not surprised with the corporate atrocities. Many shared how they are forced to adhere to perplexing rules that are nothing but a cause for inefficiency. @phillyeaglesphan pointed out, “Enterprise rent a car- Sweating outside in a suit washing a car.”

Image Source: TikTok|@leerogers2
Image Source: TikTok|@leerogers2
Image Source: TkTok|2truevelocity
Image Source: TkTok|@truevelocity

@juancarlos71912 exclaimed, “Got written up for relaxing in my chair. They want me to sit up and have a straight posture all the time, even if I’m alone in my cubicle.”  @steven_pope hysterically added, “I’d shart in 90 degrees outside with clients. Write me up for Odoroma.” Several others joined in the satire and commented with sarcastic pointers. @dusty_grant wrote, “Just stop sweating. I don’t see the problem here, there’s revenue to earn.” @chipmerrick said, “It’s called antiperspirant, dude. Get some, use it!” @joeylasserenade quoted on behalf of the ridiculous companies, “You earn 49k a year, you can afford plenty of deodorants.”

You can follow Ben Sweeny (@corproate.sween) on TikTok for more content on corporate humor.

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