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Employee gets fired after mistaking boss for colleague and endangering child's life

The woman left the child with special needs unattended several times and disrespected her boss, who remained patient despite being talked down.

Employee gets fired after mistaking boss for colleague and endangering child's life
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba; Reddit | u/Heart_o_Pirates

Bosses keep their eye on employees. Some do it openly, while others choose to remain discreet. Often, it is done by the top management to ensure that the organization’s work ethics are in place and showing up with bad behavior at the workplace can lead to trouble. In a similar incident, a woman was removed after she tried to correct her colleague, who later turned out to be her boss. The superior, who goes by u/Heart_o_Pirates on Reddit, took “silent revenge,” as his post on the platform suggested. The worker not only overstepped her role, explained the senior, adding that she also put the life of a child with special needs in danger.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Sora Shimaazaki
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Sora Shimaazaki

He began the post by giving a brief background of what went down between the two of them. It reportedly happened at a facility that provides services to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). “We are short-staffed on this particular day and I volunteered to stay late to help with coverage so one of the children can make an important doctor visit,” he wrote. He explained further that due to a large workforce and with new people joining every now and then, titles do “get lost in the day-to-day all the time.” He further added, “So I was with my assigned child when a new lady came out and immediately started criticizing me, telling me I needed to do this and that.”

Representative Image: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov
Representative Image: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov

The woman walked up to him and began questioning whether he knew his job while ignoring the client (child) assigned to her. “I tried correcting her. Tried to explain that what she was doing was improper and a danger to the child (in this instance, it’s a child who frequently choked on food and she’s not preparing his food properly),” the post further read. Instead of revealing himself, the boss chose to play along with her act. “I was met with huffs and puffs as she stormed off, mumbling insults she thought I couldn’t hear. I just laughed and ensured that not only my child but hers as well were safe. After all, I only had to wait an hour or two before I could leave,” he wrote.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sora Shimazaki
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sora Shimazaki

The boss claimed that he kept his patience as she went on with the “disrespect” and talked him down for the next two hours. Additionally, the woman left the child unattended a “dozen times” and kept on bossing her superior. The employee also met with fury from the child, who attacked her, as it happens in such cases. At this point, the boss intervened and came to her rescue to ensure everyone was “safe” before finally thanking her for the advice and walking out from there with a smile. “I never once told her how long I’ve been there. Nor what my position is. I simply thanked her for the advice and smiled.” The supervisor concluded his post by mentioning that the woman had been removed from the schedule and the kids were safe as well.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Danilyuk
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Pavel Danilyuk

People in the comments were not happy with how the woman took care of the child. u/PolkaDotDancer, wrote, “This horrified me more than a bit as the parent of two ASD children and as someone who used to work respite.” u/Id_rather_be_sewing asked, “Why aren’t you firing her? She sounds like a danger to the children.” u/Tapingdrywallsucks said, “Had the OP done or said anything to correct the employee on the spot, the incident would have been over and done with, and a verbal warning or coaching would have been logged.” 

Representative Image: Reddit | u/Heart_o_Pirates
Representative Image: Reddit | u/Heart_o_Pirates
Image Source: Reddit | u/Heart_o_Pirates
Image Source: Reddit | u/Heart_o_Pirates

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