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Employee calls out company when asked to apply for 'new role' that they've had for the last 5 years

'There are only a few spots open, however, you can’t be promoted into the position - you have to apply for it,' the employee explained.

Employee calls out company when asked to apply for 'new role' that they've had for the last 5 years
Representative Cover Image Source: (L)Pexels| RDNE Stock project (R) Reddit/u/KoaPlyr615

Employees are having a hard time getting noticed and appreciated. Despite being overworked and underpaid, their efforts go in vain and sometimes they’re not even given basic recognition, let alone appreciation. u/KoaPlyr615 shared their experience with a company that not only kept their growth stagnant but also manipulated them into applying for a position they had already been doing for 5 years. Sharing on Reddit, the employee explained that their company had problems and many employees were unhappy with their management. “Everyone has the same complaints - overworked, underpaid and no possibility of advancement,” they said. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Yan Krukau

However, the management started playing the manipulation game and pointed out to employees why they could be wrong. Further, the post mentioned that the former plan didn’t work and employees were even more agitated about not being heard and understood. “The responses to their supposedly anonymous surveys got even worse and management was directed to again find out why that was,” they said. What followed was a simply ridiculous reformation that affected none of the employees who had been struggling with the company over the many years.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Yan Krukau
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Yan Krukau

“Their solution? More virtual meetings so we all feel more included, a bare minimum increase in the base starting pay for new hires (not affect anyone that has been there for years of course) and the best part - a competition to increase our monthly numbers even though we repeatedly told them we were overworked.” the employee explained. They also shared that others began to resign owing to the unsolved problems they were facing. They then shared that they decided to let go of the company. “I’d been trying to advance for a few years now, but after such a tone-deaf response I had no faith in the company,” they remarked. Things took a diverted turn when someone within the company whom the employee trusted convinced them.

They made the employee believe that the “advancement plans” would soon be implemented and that they would have a chance at a hike. “They were excited to announce the new structure which would allow advancement within the department. The new structure? A ‘new role’ crammed in between the title everyone currently has and the team lead position. There are only a few spots open, however, you can’t be promoted into the position - you have to apply for it,” scoffed the employee. Along with other employees, the person was ready to give the new structure a shot and read the job description. The employee remarked, “It’s word for word what I and at least a dozen others have been doing - For the last five years. It’s like they actively disdain their employees because there’s no way you f**k up trying to fix things this badly.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Antoni Shkraba

The employee then decided to play smart and give the company a taste of their medicine. They mentioned that they would be applying for the position either way with an intelligent reason for the same. “That way if I do get turned down, I can tell them everything I’ve been doing is no longer in my job description and to move all that work away from me,” they revealed. Fellow employees were furious at the injustice the worker had to face. Comments flowed in suggesting that the employee outsmarts their company by applying elsewhere. u/bitbatgaming said, “This is either quiet or loud firing. Get your resume and preparation ready.” u/shadowpriest said, “I guess do a test run of applying and interviewing for that position while applying and interviewing outside that company.”

Image Source: Reddit/u/djnehi
Image Source: Reddit/u/djnehi


Image Source: Reddit/u/sold_myfortune
Image Source: Reddit/u/sold_myfortune

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