The Senator took to Twitter to reveal her plan to cancel student debt, one of the main pillars of her 2020 Presidential campaign.
The student debt crisis in the United States has left many a young millennial high and dry. After slogging your butt off trying to get a 4.0 GPA for at least four years of your life, there's nothing like spending the rest of it paying off what seems like a neverending waterfall of debt. Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren understands the struggle—and has a plan to make sure no one has to drown in student debt ever again. Tackling student debt has been one of the primary pillars of her campaign thus far, but she has finally released a solid plan to show you exactly how she plans to do it.
Taking to Twitter, the Senator from Massachusetts revealed her plan in a thread. She wrote, "We have a student loan crisis — and we can't afford to wait for Congress to act. I’ve already proposed a student loan debt cancellation plan, and on day one of my Presidency, I’ll use existing laws to start providing that debt cancellation immediately." Yes, her plan will have a retrospective effect. Is she attempting to mobilize the youth vote? Perhaps. But there's no doubting that student debt has changed the way the American economy functions. She continued, "When I was elected to the Senate, I used every opportunity and tool available to ease the burden of student debt. I fought to lower interest rates, refinance loans, and hold loan servicers and debt collectors accountable for breaking the law and hurting borrowers."
A history of fighting for student rights and protecting the economy? Check and check. "I made sure Congress provided $700 million in a relief fund for borrowers who dedicated their lives to public service but missed technical requirements for loan forgiveness," she went on. "And I fought to cancel loans for 80,000 students who were cheated by Corinthian Colleges... Understand this: The Department of Education has broad authority to end the student loan debt crisis. When I'm President, I plan to use that authority." That sure does sound an awful lot better than a President who uses his authority to build a silly border wall, basically start World War III, or ban whole populations from entering the country just because they aren't White and Christian.
The Senator ended, "I will also use all the tools available to me to address the racial disparities in higher education, crack down on for-profit institutions, and eliminate predatory lending. The future of our economy and a generation of student loan borrowers are at risk, and we must use every tool and opportunity we have to help them. We can't let corruption in Washington hold back big, structural change. I’m committed to seeing this fight through — no matter what." While there is a lot to be said about Warren's Wall Street past and her claims of being Native American, there is no doubt that a Warren ticket is one that prioritizes affordable education. But can she battle it out against fellow Democrat Bernie Sanders? Only time will tell.