In the video, we see the little boy holding his newborn sister and looking adorably at her with love in his heart.
The love among siblings is so beautiful - they don't leave a chance to pull each other's legs but will also do anything for each other. One person also took to Reddit to share the beautiful bond shared between siblings. u/Sera0Sparrow shared a video, where a young boy is seen holding his newborn sister for the first time. The video post is captioned, "His reaction when he first held his new sibling is priceless." In the video, we see the little boy holding his baby sister as a melodious tune plays in the background. As he holds her, he has tears in his eyes. The little baby also makes a noise and this further warms the brother's heart.
He looks at the baby with love and then we hear the mom saying, "You can talk to her." We hear the dad saying that she cannot talk but she can hear and understand what you are saying. The mom says, "You can say anything." He then looks at her and smiles warmly and goes on to hug her tightly. He looks emotional as he hugs his newborn sister. This video will become a memory of a lifetime for this family. As for the people on the Internet, they also appreciated the heartwarming clip. It has 23 thousand upvotes and several comments on it.
u/capmiddle3312 wrote, "This boy has such a big heart." u/flightonowhere expressed, "He certainly does! That hug at the end was one of the most precious things I’ve ever seen! She is one lucky little girl to have this sweet boy to protect her, look out for her, and be best friends with!" u/cocobananabear shared, "She will be 80 years old one day and he will still be protective of her." u/antexpensive263 commented, "I have never seen anything so sweet in my whole life as this." u/the_whipping_post mentioned, "Newborns crave physical contact. They've just been in the womb their whole lives, comforted by the mother's heartbeat and warmth. Now that she's outside, she'll need that comfort replicated."
u/bigdoza wrote, "My man was just at a loss for words as to what he felt for her. This is so damn wholesome and makes me excited for a second kid." u/digme_samjone shared, "The genuine hug said a lot more than any words he could have come up with, and easier for her to understand." u/creamy-front predicted, "So cute, they'll be fighting, arguing, kicking and screaming at each other in no time!" As they will grow up, they might have their share of disagreements and arguments but that is all for later and they will always have this video to remind them how loved they felt next to each other.