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Dying husband's gesture of love for wife during their last Christmas together is breaking our hearts

Though her dad was on constant life support, he ensured that his wife felt loved and made his last Christmas memorable for the entire family.

Dying husband's gesture of love for wife during their last Christmas together is breaking our hearts
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc

Falling in love is beautiful, but growing in love and being there for each other until the very end is nothing short of incredible. After all, life is uncertain and those moments we share with the love of our life are the only ones that truly matter at the end. There's no one better to understand this than older couples who cherish the time they have left on this planet with their loved ones. TikTok user @madmnc shared one such wholesome moment where her terminally ill father went out of his way to express his love for his wife on his very last Christmas on Earth.

Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc
Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc

The daughter shared the beautiful moment that her parents shared on Christmas day with the caption: "Thinking of my dad's last Christmas ever on earth when he took off his oxygen and danced with my mom because it was what she missed the most when he got sick." The video from 2017 shows her parents looking into each other's eyes, sharing words of love and kissing each other before dancing to the John Lennon song "So This Is Christmas." 

Image Source: TikTok | @mrschelseat
Image Source: TikTok | @mrschelseat

The heartwarming video went viral, garnering over 1 million views and nearly 218K likes. @vmxsm commented, "My dad used his last breaths to sing for my mom. She always wanted him to memorize a full song and sing for her. He did it four weeks prior to leaving." @ghouldinner wrote, "Not even death could stop a love like this."

Image Source: TikTok | @debx11
Image Source: TikTok | @debx11

In another video, the daughter shared that her dad left this world on June 10, 2018, and revealed yet another heartening moment that her parents shared while he was just hours away from passing. "I think everybody who has lost somebody knows that feeling," she began and explained that her family had to take her dad off his life support five years ago, which felt like the most difficult yet sacred experience she's ever had.

Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc
Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc

She said that her mom never left her dad's side during his last days and added, "She cried to me and said that she wishes she could just pull those tubes off of my dad and climb in next to him. She just wants to lay with him just one more time." The entire family stayed near the dad while he was breathing his last and the daughter decided to do something memorable for her parents.

Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc
Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc

"I remember saying to my mom, 'Mom, get in the bed with dad,'" the daughter said and added that her mom was a bit hesitant as the bed was small and she didn't want to take up too much space. But the daughter encouraged her, saying, "Mom, he is your husband. Get in with him. That's what you wanted." The mom then climbed into the bed and lay next to her husband with her arms wrapped around him till he passed. Reminiscing this moment, the daughter said, "That's a sacred experience that I would never give up."

"I'm grateful for the ability to be with loved ones at those types of difficult moments and my mom mentioned to me so many times how grateful she is that I pushed her to get up into that bed and have that last moment together," said the emotional daughter.

Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc
Image Source: TikTok | @madmnc

@mandamks wrote, "My grandpa passed two years ago. He was my best friend and when he was in his last days a weird series of events made it so that I was alone with him for a few hours, he was my favorite person ever. And I laid with my head on his belly just holding his hand. But the pain of him just not hugging me back or anything is something I still feel. I just wanted to feel him love me. You're amazing for giving your mom that moment."

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