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Dwayne Johnson sings Moana song for 3-year-old fan fighting cancer: "Maui makes him feel strong"

The celeb took to Instagram earlier this week to share a special video message for the 'Moana' fan and it is the sweetest thing ever.

Dwayne Johnson sings Moana song for 3-year-old fan fighting cancer: "Maui makes him feel strong"

For many, Dwayne Johnson is arguably the sexiest man alive on the planet today. For others, he's a multifaceted Hollywood star who can effortlessly entertain his audience with everything from comedy to action roles. For WWE fans, the 47-year-old is and forever will be The Rock—a superstar from the professional hall of fame. As for Johnson's three daughters, he is a doting father who loves them to the moon and back. But for 3-year-old Hyrum Harris, this world-renowned celebrity is simply a dude who's a lot like him. Someone who absolutely loves the film Moana and kinda-sorta sounds like his favorite character Maui.


Young Hyrum is a little champ who's battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and is a huge fan of the character Maui from Disney's 2016 hit Moana. When Johnson—who voiced the boisterous demigod in the film—heard of Hyrum, he decided to do something really special for the young boy that's got the whole internet going "awww..." The celeb took to Instagram earlier this week to share a special video message for the 3-year-old and it is without a doubt, the sweetest thing you'll see today.


"This message is for a little boy out there, he's 3 years old, and this little boy is one of the coolest little boys around, and he's certainly one of the strongest because he is a fighter. Right now, this little boy is in the fight of his life. His name is Hyrum Harris. Hello Hyrum, I hope this message gets to you. You don't know me, my name is Dwayne Johnson, I also go by The Rock and you're probably thinking, 'Of course you by the name of The Rock because you have a head the size of a rock!'" the celeb says in the video.


"Hyrum, I know! It's a thing, but it's not really important right now. What is important is that I heard you love a movie called Moana, which is crazy because I love that movie too. I also heard you watch Moana almost 10 times a day because the character you love, Maui, gives you strength. People tell me I kind of sound like him. I just wanted to send you a video to tell you how much I love Maui too. I know a little of his song," Johnson adds, going on to sing a few bars from the popular song.


Ending the video message for Hyrum, Johnson says, "I know you're like, 'Dude, leave the cool singing to Maui.' You're absolutely right, Hyrum. I wanted to tell you, man, stay strong. There's another dude out there, me, Dwayne, who, like you, loves Maui too. There's no one like Maui. He's the coolest thing. I'm a big fan of Maui, too, and I'm a big fan of yours. Thanks for inspiring everyone around you, including myself. Stay strong, Hyrum."


Johnson's sweet gesture for Hyrum soon reached the little boy's parents, April and Rich Harris, who were overwhelmed by the celebrity taking out the time to do something like this for their son. Speaking to PEOPLE, April said, "This has been such a moving experience for our family. [Johnson's] response was beautiful. Every time Dwayne mentioned Hyrum's name, Hyrum pointed to his chest and in his soft sweet voice repeated saying, 'Hyrum,' as though he knew this was special for him. When the reference of a head being compared to the size of a rock [came], Hyrum giggled. When he began to sing, Hyrum's eyes got very wide."


"He looked at me," April continued, "Smiled so big. Sang 'You're Welcome' right along with the video. It was touching. Hyrum's smile is infectious [and] healing to those that serve him and love him. We were all touched that night and continue to be astonished and amazed at the outpouring of love and support my little fighter is receiving. The prayers matter. They carry us through when our days are rough and our nights are too short." Those wishing to take a page out of Johnson's book and do something nice for Hyrum can donate towards the little one's medical bills through the GoFundMe page set up in his name here.


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