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Dunkin' Donuts customer scolds employee for not giving her fifty Munchkins when she ordered a dozen

A viral video features a fanny pack-wearing patron raising hell at a Dunkin' Donuts after ordering a "dozen" Munchkins and expecting to get 50.

Dunkin' Donuts customer scolds employee for not giving her fifty Munchkins when she ordered a dozen
Cover Image Source: TikTok/@princess__natt

The past year introduced us to an alarming variety of Karens. Despite their many differences, most of them seemed to display a certain unique pattern of self-entitlement, privilege, and irrational belief to such extent that one might even wonder if there's a special school specializing in Karenhood. If there is, in fact, such a school, a new video making the rounds of the internet leads one to assume that their general education syllabus could use some sprucing up. The viral TikTok features a fanny pack-wearing Karen raising hell at a Dunkin' Donuts after ordering a "dozen" Munchkins and expecting to get 50.

The video, uploaded by TikTok user @princess__natt, shows the woman standing at the counter with her mask around her chin — perhaps her chin got tired and needed a hammock — and a rainbow tie-dyed fanny pack around her waist, yelling at an employee that she needs "MORE!" When the employee patiently asks her to specify exactly how many she needs, the woman says: "Fifty. Five-zero! That's what a dozen is. Not 12." O-kay then... 

Obviously, people online couldn't refrain from commenting on this special little gem of Karen wisdom, and 50 was soon declared the new Karen dozen. "No wonder they think Trump won. 12 = 50 who knew?" wrote one Twitter user. "She's gonna be surprised when she comes back from the grocery store with a dozen eggs," tweeted another. Meanwhile, one person ventured to ask the question we'd all been wondering: "How do you get to be this old and never learn what a dozen is?" Yet another person came up with an ingenious plan. "I’m gonna have to try that next time I go to Krispy Kreme. Hang my nose out of my mask and rant and rave and maybe I can get 50 donuts for the price of 12," they tweeted.



"Scariest part is how confidently she proclaims, 'I need 50 that's what a dozen is. Not 12.' Confident and stupid is a dangerous mix," wrote one observer. Meanwhile, in a follow-up video, the TikToker who filmed the incident, @princess__natt, revealed that the woman did not take kindly to being corrected on her belief of what a dozen actually is. "Twelve is a dozen," someone in the store is heard telling the woman in the video. "I want more than twelve! I want fifty," yells the woman again, seemingly exasperated.









"Before the recording started, I said a whole lot, it was received negatively... which is why I began recording," @princess__natt wrote. Despite having been the one to cause all the miscommunication, the woman even went as far as to claim that the employee — who clearly tried to handle the situation with the utmost patience — does not understand what the customer was trying to say. "You understand nothing," she shouts at the employee, who repeatedly assures her that she can understand the woman's words. "But you're not understanding the English," the customer maintains, shaking her head in frustration.






The deluge of Karen videos this past year has shown us just how much those working in the service industry have to deal with on an almost daily basis. In addition to the fast-paced environment and the varying whims and demands of customers, they also have to interact with such adults while maintaining their cool. Kudos to them for putting up with all this even in the middle of a pandemic.

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