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Dramatic dog has hilariously exaggerated reaction to suffering a $150 'injury' at the dog park

All for love! Jaqweenie threw the most adorable tantrum after he got 'injured' while playing at the dog park.

Dramatic dog has hilariously exaggerated reaction to suffering a $150 'injury' at the dog park
Cover Image Source: Instagram/@sharkybobarky

When we’re around our loved ones, we tend to become more free, less conscious and can completely be ourselves. But we can also not overlook the fact that when we are surrounded by those we treasure, we tend to look for the most dramatic and creative ways to grab their attention or spend time with them and get all of their love! This is 100% true in the case of pets and they’re the master of this act. Don't believe us? Adorable Jaqweenie is here to prove it. @sharkybobarky shared a super cute yet hilarious clip where their mixed-breed pet dog put on the cutest drama, just for some pampering. 

Image Source: Instagram/@sharkybobarky
Image Source: TikTok/@sharkybobarky

Jaqweenie is a mixed-breed chihuahua who was at the park when he injured his paw (a major "injury" for him). The clip captured him licking and trying to attend to his paw which seemed “pretty bad” in terms of the injury. The little furry guy was almost shaking and whimpering while curling paw which got his owners worried. The video had a text overlay that said, “Jaqweenie hurt his paw at the dog park. He was so upset I thought it might be broken.” The video mentioned that everyone got worried about him when Jaqweenie sat under a chair, upset and scared. 

Image Source: Instagram/@sharkybobarky
Image Source: TikTok/ @sharkybobarky

Further in the video, it was mentioned that the owners tried to take him to the ER, assuming the gravity of the injury to be deep. The ER, however, was closed and they, then, proceeded to get the injured buddy to a vet. The vet checked Jaqweenie, did his blood pressure check and checked "his luxating patella in case his knee popped out of his joint.” The vet further continued to examine the dog when they fortunately made a humorous “tiny” discovery. 

Image Source: Instagram/@sharkybobarky
Image Source: TikTok/ @sharkybobarky


What everyone assumed to be a broken paw, a displaced knee or perhaps something even more serious, turned out to be something as trivial as a cut. That’s right, a teeny weeny cut that wasn’t even bleeding. The owners, who go by @sharkybobarky on Instagram, mentioned, “Finally discovered the tiniest cut on his paw. Like so tiny, it didn’t even bleed!” Everyone had a laugh about it but Jaqweenie. The paw pal was engrossed in getting the full value of the love and affection he could get due to his “grave injury.” He took complete advantage of his tiny cut to grab everyone’s attention, smooches, cuddles comfort, free carrying around and more. 

Image Source: Instagram/@sharkybobarky
Image Source: TikTok/ @sharkybobarky


The video further mentioned that the injury was nothing but just a "paper cut. A $150 paper cut,” indicating the cost of Jaqweenie’s professional quality act. The vet further gave in to Jaqweenie’s baby eyes which was presumably a part of his “act” and bandaged the paw. The little guy continued to limp from the vet’s clinic to his home. However, he hadn’t got enough. Further in the video, it was explained that he “insisted on being carried." The video also captured a shot of Jaqweenie lying on a couch with his owner giving him all the pampering he needs. 

Image Source: Instagram/@sharkybobarky
Image Source: TikTok/ @sharkybobarky


For all the tummy rubs, cuddles and affection, Jaqweenie got what he wanted. His classy act was truly a mind-blowing one that achieved his desired results. Towards the end of the video, the overlay text read, “Finally summoning the ‘strength’ to walk to the kitchen for dinner.” The video concluded with Jaqweenie on the couch, looking forward to recovering from his serious "injury." 

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A post shared by Jaqweenie & Orson (@sharkybobarky)



This is not the first time Jaqweenie has gone viral for his overdramatic reactions to his "injuries." Earlier, it was either a "$200 mosquito bite" or a "bee sting." It (literally) makes one wonder, "how did he survive on the streets the first year of his life?" as he used to be a stray dog. But all's well if the end's well. Now he is getting the love he deserves. 

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A post shared by Jaqweenie & Orson (@sharkybobarky)


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