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Trump becomes 1st president to be impeached twice, this time for role in deadly Capitol riots

Democrats charged Trump with "incitement of insurrection" following the deadly riots that saw five people killed.

Trump becomes 1st president to be impeached twice, this time for role in deadly Capitol riots
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 13: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) displays a signed an article of impeachment against President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol on January 13, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images)

Donald Trump has been impeached by the House of Representatives again, this time for his role in the deadly riots on Capitol Hill last week. Trump becomes the first President in American history to be impeached twice, after being earlier impeached by the House in December 2019 for seeking political favors from the Ukrainian President against Joe Biden. Trump is also the first U.S. officeholder to be impeached twice by the lower rung of Congress. Ten Republicans broke rank with the party to impeach the President after Democrats charged Trump with "incitement of insurrection," reported The Huffington Post. This comes just a week of a Trump-incited mob storming Capitol Hill endangering the life of lawmakers and Capitol Police as Congress was in the process of certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 Presidential election. Five people including a police officer were killed in the riots organized by MAGA extremists. 


Trump is impeached with just one week of his term remaining. The House voted 232-197 in favor of impeachment. Representatives Liz Cheney, Jaime Herrera Beutler, John Katko, Adam Kinzinger, Fred Upton, Dan Newhouse, Peter Meijer, Anthony Gonzalez, David Valadao, and Tom Rice were the Republicans who voted to charge Trump with "incitement of insurrection." The Democrats focused on the one charge to avoid drawn-out hearings, especially with many across the aisle in agreement that Trump incited the riots. The article of impeachment was drawn up by Representatives David Cicilline and Jamie Raskin. “There’s overwhelming evidence of the president’s incitement,” said Cicilline. “There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” said Republican Liz Cheney.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 13: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signs an article of impeachment against President Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol on January 13, 2021 in Washington, DC. The House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump for incitement of insurrection, following Vice President Mike Pence's refusal to use the 25th amendment to remove him from office for his role in the breach of the U.S. Capitol last week. (Photo by Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described Trump as a “clear and present danger to the nation.” Pelosi slammed Trump for repeating lies to convince his supporters that the election wasn't a fair one. “The president of the United States incited this insurrection, this armed rebellion, against our common country,” said Pelosi. “He must go.” Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said the riots organized by the MAGA mob was “the most dangerous moment for our democracy in a century.” Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler hit out at Trump for spreading lies on voter fraud and pointed to his words leading up to the riot on January 6.


“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” said Trump. "We will stop the steal. We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. We’re going to walk down to the Capitol and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them,” said Trump.



Donald Trump is unlikely to be removed from office after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Senate Democrats that he will not consent to holding an emergency session to consider impeachment. “There is simply no chance that a fair or serious trial could conclude before President-elect Biden is sworn in next week. In light of this reality, I believe it will best serve our nation if Congress and the executive branch spend the next seven days completely focused on facilitating a safe inauguration and an orderly transfer of power to the incoming Biden Administration,” said Mitch McConnell.



With intelligence briefings suggesting MAGA extremists were planning more attacks in the run-up to Joe Biden's inauguration, Trump released another video calling for peace. “Mob violence goes against everything I believe in and everything our movement stands for,” said Trump. “No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence,” he added. There are literally countless videos on the internet of Trump supporters being violent against opponents at his rally, with the President often encouraging it. "Knock the crap out of them" and "I'd like to punch him in the face" were just a few of the many phrases he said at his rallies. Trump didn't make any reference to his impeachment as he tried to wash his hands off the MAGA riots that killed five people. 


Republicans, who of who went along with the President's rhetoric, hit back at Democrats accusing them of propagating "cancel culture." Some Republicans said Democrats were inviting more violence by trying to punish the instigators of the MAGA riot, which roughly translates to every abuser's fallback argument "Why did you make me hit you?" Not to mention, more than 4,000 Americans died from Coronavirus yesterday alone, at a time when the Trump administration focused all their energy on stealing an election.  

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