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Dog has the most adorable response every time he sees 'Mom' brushing her teeth

This adorable display of canine behavior has captured the hearts of animal lovers everywhere.

Dog has the most adorable response every time he sees 'Mom' brushing her teeth
Cover Image Source: Reddit/ u/StcStasi

Dogs are truly remarkable creatures. They are loyal and loving and always seem to find a way to bring a smile to our faces. One heartwarming story that made the rounds on Reddit is about a dog who comes running to get his teeth brushed when he hears his mom brushing hers. This adorable display of canine behavior has captured the hearts of animal lovers everywhere. The story goes that the dog's owner, or "mom," brushes her teeth, and her furry companion comes running to join in on the fun. He eagerly waits for his turn to have his teeth cleaned, and the sight of him happily wagging his tail and barking with excitement is enough to melt anyone's heart.

Image Source: Reddit/ u/StcStasi
Image Source: Reddit/ u/StcStasi


It is easy to see why this story has resonated with so many people. For starters, it's a great example of the special bond between pets and their owners. Dogs are incredibly social animals and thrive on human interaction. They also love routine and structure, which is why this pup seems to have learned that tooth-brushing time is a special moment to share with his mom. This video grabbed so many views and is flooded with a lot of comments.

Image Source: Reddit/100_night_sky_
Image Source: Reddit/100_night_sky_


musicman8586, says "I’ve never seen a dog willingly get their teeth brushed. Always a fight with mine." "Looks more like he enjoys eating the toothpaste then getting his teeth brushed." commented, KadenKraw

Image by: Pitsch from Pixabay
Image by: Pitsch from Pixabay


"Mine love having their teeth brushed. The trick for me was getting a chicken flavored dog toothpaste they really liked, starting with letting them lick it off a finger, then “brushing” with a finger, a finger brush, and then finally a dog toothbrush. You can get packs that have the toothpaste, finger brush, and dog toothbrush in it. I buy soft children’s toothbrushes for them now and the toothpaste separately because no one uses the finger toothbrush anymore and I’m not crazy about the dog toothbrushes. One of my dogs started when he was a puppy, but the others came to me as adults and everyone learned to enjoy it pretty quickly.", says MsMyska. tragicallyohio, says "It's a pretty simple rule to live by; I see a dog doing a human thing, I upvote it and then watch it 5-7 times consecutively." "Holy shit! I wish my dog did that!" said, Shadow0fnothing.

Image Source: Reddit/ fuzzywuzzywuzuhbear
Image Source: Reddit/ fuzzywuzzywuzuhbear


It was a heartwarming moment that made us smile and appreciate the little things that our furry friends do to make our lives better. Let us continue to take care of our pets' health and well-being and cherish the special bond we share with them.

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