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Dog severely injured in hit-and-run case found hope and healing with his new family

After being injured in a hit-and-run accident and left paralyzed in his hind legs, the dog was rescued and taken to the McKamey Animal Center.

Dog severely injured in hit-and-run case found hope and healing with his new family
Cover Image Source: Facebook | McKamey Animal Center

Life is all about getting back up no matter what throws us down. There is some purpose all of us are after and something that inspires us to get out of bed every day. Challenges are to be looked at as adventurous opportunities to grow and learn. No one teaches this better than Ward the ‘Wonderdog.’ The story of this 4-legged miracle from McKamey’s Animal Center is indeed one that inspires and motivates.

Image Source: Photo by Blue Bird/Pexels
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Blue Bird

Ward is a 6-year-old male dog who was found on the streets injured due to a hit-and-run accident. He was taken into the Animal Center where he was attended to. The injury affected his spinal cord and caused paralysis in his hind legs. The brown and black furry guy had a tough time physically and mentally after being abandoned on the road in an accident. Though he couldn’t even wag his tail, he didn’t let down his spirit. The Animal Center soon began treatment and medication to strengthen Ward. He was also put in a custom wheelchair to help him move around and support his hind legs.


In all the trials and pain, McKamey posted that Ward still let his light shine. Apart from responding to the treatment well, Ward was also a cheerful and friendly paw pal. The veterinarians and staff had a jolly time working with Ward and helping him get back up. A few months later, the Animal Center posted that Ward had become strong enough to be put up for adoption.

Soon enough, Ward got what he deserved, the ‘pawfect' family, when a couple, Kellyn and Matt Murphy visited the Animal Center. Kellyn and Matt fell in love with Ward the minute they laid eyes on him, reports The Washington Post. McKamey posted a picture of Ward with his new family and wrote a heart-touching and teary caption bidding him goodbye. They gave a brief on Ward’s history and wrote much about his character and personality. They wrote, “Over the last six months, Ward has defined resilience and hope for all of us here at MAC. This sweet guy started to be able to move his legs after many sessions of physical therapy.”

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Concluding their post, they went on to write, “Ward waited roughly 180 days for that special family to walk into our Center, and today he went home!! There wasn't a dry eye in our adoption lobby as the family finalized their paperwork, and Ward took one last walk out of MAC.” Moving forward, it was only a happy beginning for Ward. He left one family and entered another. 

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Ward is now continuing his treatment with his new family getting better and stronger day by day. Kellyn who is a physical therapy assistant helps him with stretches, exercises and modified equipment to suit his needs, Ward has all the love and support he needs and deserves to get better. “He’s wagged his tail at least five or six times since then, and I’m hopeful it will continue to keep happening as he gets stronger,” Keyln said. The family also frequently posts about his progress and his adorable journey to healing.

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