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Dog saves a precious life after leading owners to a 100 feet deep mineshaft: 'She is a superstar'

The family thought that their pet cat Mowgli had gone missing and six days later the dog started behaving in an unusual way.

Dog saves a precious life after leading owners to a 100 feet deep mineshaft: 'She is a superstar'
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Calweton Veterinary Group

Expressing concern for a fellow being is not distinctive to humans. Animals too exhibit altruistic behavior when a person or another animal is in need. Though we may not be sure of how they show altruism, witnessing such sensible behavior in animals is heartwarming. The story of a heroic dog, Daisie who guided her owner to find their missing cat, Mowgli in Cornwall is one such inspiring and heartening incident, per BBC News.


Mowgli went missing for six days and his owner Michele Rose almost gave up hope of finding her pet cat again. That is when Daisie, the family's spaniel, was seen behaving in a weird manner which Michele referred to as "going berserk" running in and out of the woods near their abode in Harrowbarrow. Daisy led Michele towards the old Prince of Wales Mines through a footpath and on reaching the mineshaft the tail-wagger came to a sudden standstill. To Michele's surprise, Mowgli's meowing was heard from deep down the mineshaft. She immediately called the RSPCA and the Cornwall Fire and Rescue but they decided to start rescue action the next morning as the mineshaft can be too dangerous to be accessed in the dark.

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The rescue team led by Stephen Findlow, animal rescue officer at RSPCA, found Mowgli stuck in the 100-feet-deep mineshaft. To everyone's surprise, he was completely uninjured. Eight firefighters from the Cornwall Fire and Rescue Services used ropes to reach down the mineshaft, placed Mowgli in a cat basket and pulled him up to the ground safely. Mowgli was then brought to the Calweton Veterinary Group for a thorough assessment and in their Instagram post they wrote "Meet Mowgli who has just used one of his nine lives!" The veterinary experts mentioned that he "was completely unscathed and was extremely happy to be back with his owner."

Talking about Daisie's whip-smart actions Michele told the outlet, "Daisie is a superstar, she's an amazing dog. Without Daisie doing that Mowgli could still be down there, that's for sure. She was persistent in making me follow her, it was amazing." Michele's family owns another cat, Baloo whom they adopted along with Mowgli in December 2022. "Daisy was already a year old when the kittens arrived and they have all been inseparable ever since," she said. "She is quite matriarchal and puts up with them, they love her and she's very protective of them." No wonder Daisie made such a daring effort to help the family find Mowgli.

Mowgli is undoubtedly a very lucky cat. The four-legged angel's determination to pull her owner out of their home and guide them into the woods persistently is extremely inspirational and heartwarming. Animals have a sixth-sense and this unusual yet adorable incident proves the same.

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