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Dog incredibly predicts when his human is going to fall sick and warns her using talking buttons

Once Cache grabbed his owner's attention to convey something important, he pressed the buttons for 'sick' and 'mom.'

Dog incredibly predicts when his human is going to fall sick and warns her using talking buttons
Cover Image Source: Instagram | cachecowadventures

Dogs are known to emote and express to the person they are close to. Many dog owners feel their dog is communicating something to them, but we still wish we could talk to them and hear exactly what they might be thinking. One human trained their canine companion to communicate with interactive buttons. Cache the talking dog is now so proficient in communicating through these buttons that he has over 235k followers on Instagram.

According to Cache Cow Adventures' YouTube page, "Cache is an 18-month-old Golden Retriever learning how to talk using AIC (Augmentative Interspecies Communication). He has been trained to communicate using 108 buttons." Cache's human mom recently shared a video with the caption, "Watch my dog tell me I'm sick before I know it myself." The incredible video has been viewed almost 27 million times.

Image Source: Instagram | cachecowadventures
Image Source: Instagram | cachecowadventures

In the video clip, Cache grabbed his owner's attention to convey something important. He is seen pressing some buttons. His mom asks, "What does Cache want?" He predicts that a "friend" is sick, but no one around is actually sick. He presses the buttons for "Sick" and "Friend." When the owner asks who is, Cache responds that Mom is sick. He presses the button for "Mom" and the owner reconfirms, "Mom is sick?" After a few hours, the owner did actually fall sick.

The caption explains, "This was such an interesting exchange. Cache has been primarily referring to me as 'friend' lately, so when I asked if he was sick and he said 'friend' I was pretty sure he meant me, but I didn't feel sick (just a bit fatigued), so I was skeptical until he explicitly followed up my 'who?' question with 'mom.' Sure enough, 5 hours later, on my way to bed, I was nauseous and coughing my way up the stairs. Guess my little one is an early cold detection system now. Not terribly surprising given how good their sense of smell is, but wild nonetheless that he can tell me about it!"

Image Source: Instagram | cachecowadventures
Image Source: Instagram | cachecowadventures

Viewers were stunned after watching what Cache did. "This is incredible! He could smell the sick on your before you could. Cache seriously blows my mind constantly," wrote @puppyparkerposey. "I need to have a serious discussion with my three dogs. All they do is eat, nap, and want me to open the door every couple of hours," commented @jescasue. "I saw a dog one time kept pressing 'friend- inside-mom' and she found out she was pregnant," shared @emma_anne.77. "So it's a pet scan?" joked @wamisway.

Cache began training when he was six months old and his first words were "outside" and "play," his Instagram shares. Dog-talking buttons that can be used to train everything from basic commands like "potty" to more complicated statements like "I love you," can provide a one-of-a-kind relationship between owner and pet. They are an entertaining way to communicate with and train your pet. 

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A post shared by Cache - Talking Dog / Goodest Boy (@cachecowadventures)


"Dog owners use talking buttons as a way to give their dog a clear way to communicate," explained Corina Witkowski, a dog trainer at, reports PEOPLE. "They can be helpful for teaching your dog how to communicate when they need to go outside, when they want a snack, or sometimes when they just want affection."

According to Katelyn Schutz, a professional pet sitter and dog walker, dogs have distinct ways of determining whether or not a person is sick. One of those ways is through their incredible olfactory talents aka their remarkable sense of smell. Certain breeds of dogs can have up to 40-50 times the number of scent receptors as humans, making their sense of smell 100,000 times greater! When a person becomes ill, their body chemistry changes and a dog's sensitive snout may be able to detect these small changes, alerting them to the fact that we are ill. 

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A post shared by Cache - Talking Dog / Goodest Boy (@cachecowadventures)


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