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Doctor shares why getting therapy is one of the best things millennials can do for themselves

He hoped that all people in their 20s and 30s could listen to this advice and wished someone had told him about this sooner.

Doctor shares why getting therapy is one of the best things millennials can do for themselves
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @drterrtsimpson

As a person enters a new phase in their life, they might want health advice from someone who has been there and done that. It is especially good if the said person is an expert whose advice would help people address their health concerns better. An MD and surgeon, Dr. Terry Simpson—who goes by @drterrysimpson on TikTok—has some crucial health advice for millennials that might help them in the long run. The doctor said that he wished someone had told him this when he was younger.

Image Source: TikTok | @drterrysimpson
Image Source: TikTok | @drterrysimpson

"Hey millennial, boomer here," the video began. "I want to tell you the best thing that you can do for yourself." He continued, "That is, get some therapy. Now maybe you can say I am alright. I feel fine." He explained that the person might be fine but there is still nothing wrong with getting some therapy. "[It could be] from a psychiatrist, from a psychotherapist, a psychologist, or a licensed therapist." The doctor added, "Because having someone to talk to every week, talking about your favorite subject, which is after all you, is a great thing." He reasoned, "There's a lot of things that you are going through now. You are at the beginning of your career, you're making career choices."

Image Source: TikTok | @drterrysimpson
Image Source: TikTok | @drterrysimpson

The doctor went on, "You're thinking about, maybe starting a family, maybe you have a family on the way, maybe you are getting out of a relationship. All of those things are great to have help with." Now people might wonder how would Simpson know about all these things. "When I was your age, I started therapy too. Now I realize that was a long time ago. It was probably Sigmund Freud who did my therapy," he joked. "But that's beside the point. But nobody told me about this when I was your age, I had to discover it on my own." The man shared, "My father was a part of the greatest generation. They didn't talk about their feelings."

Image Source: TikTok | @drterrysimpson
Image Source: TikTok | @drterrysimpson

Dr. Simpson pointed out, "Can you imagine my father coming home from World War II having landed on the Omaha beach, been in the battle of bog, seeing a lot of his companions die, starting a new family, being in that whole set? That's tough." He shared, "You know what, he would have done better with therapy, you will too. Take advantage, it's there." The man urged people to find someone who works well with them and to understand the greatest thing about it was talking about their favorite subject, themselves. "You have someone that's always going to be on your side and help you. Trust me it will be one of the best things you can do." He shared how sometimes a person's loved ones are not the best people to talk to about their feelings.

Image Source: TikTok | @gph455
Image Source: TikTok | @gph455


Image Source: TikTok | @fajja59
Image Source: TikTok | @fajja59

People took to the comments section to share their thoughts. @karinaarrovaye1 commented, "Single best decision I ever made! This is LIFE-CHANGING advice and I thank you on behalf of everyone, Dr. Simpson!" @dream_weaver4u wrote, "Thank you for posting this. I’ve forwarded it to my grown grandchildren. I’ve always encouraged them to do this. I hope they do." @dr_tom_rountree remarked, "Everyone needs a little therapy, and not just for medically classified conditions."

You can follow Dr Terry Simpson (@drterrysimpson) on TikTok for more health-related advice.

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