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Distressed mother finally finds the right diagnosis for her son's pain through Chat GPT

The mother shared how her last resort Chat GPT finally gave her the answer 17 specialists failed to when it came to her son's pain.

Distressed mother finally finds the right diagnosis for her son's pain through Chat GPT
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Keira Burton, (R) Pexels | Vlada Karpovich

AI has been a huge topic of conversation in the last few years, especially because of the sudden boom it has showcased. Though there are various industries that seem to be threatened by AI's potential, one that is taking it in stride is the medical community. The medical community has been using artificial intelligence to accelerate their ambitious objectives, such as making people with paralysis showcase movement and finding cures for cancer. Now, a mother is shining a light on the possibilities AI offers in helping solve issues regarding diagnosis, reports TODAY. One of the biggest criticisms that modern medicine has been facing is its failure oftentimes to give patients a correct diagnosis in the right timeframe. AI could potentially help finally resolve this problem.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by cottonbro studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by cottonbro studio

The mother, Courtney—who preferred not to use her last name to protect her family’s privacy—was beyond distressed for three years because no matter how many specialists she took her son to, they could not figure out what was wrong with him. He was progressively getting worse, and in a moment of desperation, she took the help of Chat GPT, which miraculously gave her the answer that she needed. All of this began when their family nanny informed her that there was something wrong with her son. Courtney said, “I have to give [Alex] Motrin every day, or he has these gigantic meltdowns”.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by MART PRODUCTION
Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by MART PRODUCTION

This caused Courtney to keep a close eye on her son. His first issue came to light when he began having problems chewing things. Thinking that he might have a problem with his molars or cavities, the parents took him to a dentist. Unfortunately, this appointment with the dentist was only the beginning, as problems kept piling on, resulting in a visit with 17 doctors of different specialties. It was devastating for the family. Courtney described her son's situation: “Our sweet personality... (child) is dissolving into this tantrum-ing crazy person that didn’t exist the rest of the time”.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Keira Burton
Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Keira Burton

The dentist led them to an orthodontist who came to the conclusion that Alex's palate was too small, which caused his breathing issues. They put in an expander which gave brief comfort. “Everything was better for a little bit,” Courtney remembered. “We thought we were in the home stretch.” But, all of it came crashing down again when her son stopped growing. She rushed to a pediatrician who believed that the pandemic had impacted Alex's growth. He noticed an imbalance between the left and right side and referred him for further physical therapy.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by
Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by

During this time Alex began having headache, which was diagnosed as migraines. He also began having problems sleeping for which he went to ENT specialists to get his sinus checked. It was one riddle after another, with the mother pushing doctors and medical professionals for a definite answer. “Nobody’s willing to solve for the greater problem,” she shared. “Nobody will even give you a clue about what the diagnosis could be.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Andrew Neel
Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Andrew Neel

After exhausting all her options, she decided to take the help of Chat GPT on a whim. Chat GPT has garnered a lot of popularity lately because of the infinite possibilities it offers. The mother fed in all the data she had on her son. “I went line by line of everything that was in his (MRI notes) and plugged it into ChatGPT,” she said. “I put the note in there about... how he wouldn’t sit crisscross applesauce. To me, that was a huge trigger (that) a structural thing could be wrong.”


Chat GPT surprisingly gave a definitive answer: Tethered cord syndrome. This disorder affects the attachments between the tissues that limit the movement of the spinal cord. It leads to an abnormal stretching in the spinal cord. Courtney quickly found a specialist, who confirmed the condition. The confirmation was an emotional moment for the mother as she finally knew which path to take and exactly how she needed to help her son.

Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Kindel Media
Representative Image Source: Pexels/ Photo by Kindel Media

Alex has undergone surgery and is on the road to recovery. Through this story Courtney wants parents to understand that they need to advocate for their children no matter how many dismissals they are handed.

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