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Dissatisfied employees are 'loud quitting' their jobs in new trend

The 'loud quitters' directly harm the organization by undermining its goals, bringing their co-workers down and opposing the leaders.

Dissatisfied employees are 'loud quitting' their jobs in new trend
Cover Image Source: (R) Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio, (L) Gallup

How unbearable are managers making the workplaces that workers need to find new and creative ways to quit? We all have heard of "quiet quitting," the practice of employees doing the bare minimum of work and silently leaving jobs they didn't enjoy but needed financially. According to Gallup's 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report, employees are now doing the opposite, i.e, "loud quitting." Workers are "actively disengaged" on the job (as the term implies) and are not afraid to show it. Unlike quiet quitters, "loud quitters" express their dissatisfaction as they shut the door on their way out (just an example). "These employees take actions that directly harm the organization, undercutting its goals and opposing its leaders," Gallup explained in their report. 

Image Source: Mizuno K/Pexels
Image Source: Mizuno K/Pexels


According to the report, one in five or 18% of employees worldwide are doing exactly that at their jobs. The so-called loud quitters are "actively disengaged" at work as opposed to quiet quitters who are simply "not engaged." Employees who were deemed "engaged" were described as "thriving at work." Gallup's report included information from 122,416 employed people aged 15 and up around the world. Workers were classified based on their responses to 12 questions. These include whether they get to do what they do best every day; whether their boss or someone else at work appears to care about them as a person; whether the company's mission makes them feel their job is important; and whether they've had opportunities to learn and grow at work in the last year. Gallup estimates that low employee engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion and accounts for 9% of global GDP, based on the 18% of employees who quit loudly and the 59% who quit quietly. 



Some common instances could involve bad-mouthing your boss. Although "quiet quitters" can have a long-term impact on a company's culture, "loud quitters" are far more dangerous in the short term. Not only are they abruptly leaving their jobs while expressing their displeasure with their former employer but they are also bringing those around them down before they leave. "They aren’t just unhappy at work. They are resentful that their needs aren’t being met and are acting out their unhappiness," Gallup wrote. 

The damaging actions of "loud quitters" have the potential to disrupt and damage businesses: Those who work for the company may be impacted by the wave of negative distractions and increased turnover while prospective new hires will undoubtedly see any derogatory online comments made by disgruntled employees, reports Fortune.


Employees may abruptly resign for a variety of reasons, including being unsuitable for their position, not being able to connect with the team or being dissatisfied with their manager. According to the report, management is largely to blame with 70% of team engagement attributable to the manager. Poor management causes loss of customers and profits and also leads to miserable lives, stated Gallup. y discussing their goals and priorities, leaders can help their employees find meaning in their work, feel proud of their work and take ownership of their performance. Employees also stated that they value open communication with their managers, having more freedom to be creative and having a fair shot at advancement.


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