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Disney series 'Baymax!' showing trans man shopping for period products is winning hearts

The new Disney six-episode series is being praised for being more inclusive and removing the stigma surrounding periods.

Disney series 'Baymax!' showing trans man shopping for period products is winning hearts
Cover image source: Baymax/Disney

Disney's new animated series "Baymax!" is being lauded for its LGBTQ+ inclusivity. The lead in the series is the inflatable robot, Baymax, from "Big Hero 6." The scene that's winning hearts online shows Baymax looking for period products at a local store. Baymax asks a fellow customer for help and a few others who overhear step in to make their own suggestions. One of the customers who steps in to help appears to be a trans masc person and they can be spotted wearing a trans flag top, reported Pink News. There is also another scene from the series that discusses menstruation, and it helps normalize periods. Many people hailed the scenes and the series for normalizing a trans person buying period products and for normalizing menstruation.



While some argued as to why the scene was included in the series, one user reminded everyone, "Baymax is literally a robotic nurse. IT’S HIS JOB TO FULFILL SOMEONE’S MEDICAL NEEDS." Another user agreed, “Baymax said trans rights and I think that’s very much in character." The trans community firmly rallied around the series. "The trans community is now ride or die for Baymax, our inflatable ally,” wrote another user. 



The scene at the local store comes in the third episode when middle-school student Sofia is starting her period and Baymax gets her period products at the store. Later, in another scene, Sofia can be seen sitting alone in the bathroom, worried about the changes she'll experience from getting her first period. Baymax stays by her side and consoles Sofia and reminds her that she will continue to be the person that she is, and tells her that getting periods is a part of growing older.





The animated series has been a huge positive for Disney, after facing flak for refusing to take a stand against Florida’s Don’t Say Gay law. Fans and staff called out the company for refusing to take a stance against the anti-LGBTQ bill. A group of anonymous employees at Disney had alleged that the company had made a habit of cutting LGBTQ+ content from its films. After much pressure and backlash, the company backtracked and announced it would fight the law.



As we reported, Pixar's "Turning Red" also was lauded for pushing the boundaries of storytelling as it touched on various subjects including periods, sexuality, crushes and adolescent rebellion. Therapists are lauding the movie for potentially starting conversations on such topics that are largely considered taboo. "Turning Red" shows the main character, 13-year-old Mei Lee, go through adolescence and it's a refreshing change to see menstruation handled with such sensitivity while normalizing it as well. Menstruation is rarely discussed at home, so therapists believe this movie could be a conversation starter on the topic for kids. 

Turning Red/Pixar



Mei Lee is also shown rebelling against her parents, lying and sneaking out, much like what many teenagers do. Like most Disney movies, "Turning Red" is also a coming-of-age story with a great character arc. In Mei Lee's case, she's a 2nd generation Chinese American girl and is seen coming to terms with cultural norms while finding herself and her voice. In the film, when the teenager first turns into a red panda, she hides in the bathroom and her mother anticipating she has gotten her first period, gets her menstrual pads. Therapists believe the scene is a great way for parents to start the conversation on periods with their children. “Of all the things parents have to be concerned about when it comes to raising children, a normal body function like menstruation should not be one of them,” said Elizabeth Schroeder, a New York-based sex educator. “There is so much shame wrapped up in how bodies work when instead we should be celebrating them.” Normalizing menstruation helps girls become more confident through their teen years and not associate shame with having periods.

You can catch "Baymax!" streaming on Disney+.

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