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Disabled student stuns crowd by landing winning shot at basketball game: 'All it takes is practice'

He and his teammates didn't let his disability stop him from shining on the basketball court and landing the winning shot.

Disabled student stuns crowd by landing winning shot at basketball game: 'All it takes is practice'
Cover Image Source: YouTube | CBS News

Each student has talents and gifts, regardless of their diverse backgrounds. Tenth grader Lucas Applegate, per CBS News. did not let his disability become a weakness as he landed his basketball team a victory. As part of the Monterey Trail High School basketball team, he sure made a noteworthy contribution when his team needed it the most.

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bryce Carithers
Representative Image Source: Pexels| Bryce Carithers

Sharing his excitement, Applegate said he felt nothing less than a professional athlete after landing an impressive basket. "That was the best day of my life seeing the video. Me actually shooting the ball very far from the three-point line. I just splashed that in. I went 'Oh my gosh. I'm like Mike,'" Appelgate exclaimed. With glimpses shared from the video, there is no doubt that Applegate's teammates support him unconditionally. The entire team can be heard applauding and cheering for the star of the match. It was such an endearing moment to capture.

The student does not doubt that his teammates love him to death. "My family told me, 'You're lucky to have a team that cares about you,'" he added. One of his teammates shared how Applegate is completely unstoppable despite all barriers. "He really tries his best," he said. Applegate's behavioral aid, Mikey Padilla, pointed out that his teammates become an encouragement and that makes a big difference for Applegate. "Even though he has a disability, no one sees him differently down to his teammates. It's really cool to see," Padilla said. The head coach, Evin Silva, added more to what helped Applegate and his teammates ace their games and put on a worthy performance.


The coach mentioned how every game is nothing less than a championship game for them and said, "People from the other team are standing up out of their seats. Our parents are really loud. I think we give varsity a run for their money in some games." The principal of Monterey Trail High understands the commitment Applegate puts in, as her own daughter also lives with a disability. She made sure her daughter watched the game to show that anything is possible with dedication. "This is a school that embraces our students no matter what their abilities. Watching him validates that even for me," she said. Applegate shared an inspiring, universal message from his dad: "My dad always said, 'You can do anything you want, son.' You could always put the effort in. All it takes is practice."


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