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Disabled man in wheelchair-bound man silences internet troll who said he 'can't close a fridge door'

A wheelchair-bound man brilliantly shut down an online troll who mocked his disability by effortlessly accepting the challenge of closing a fridge door.

Disabled man in wheelchair-bound man silences internet troll who said he 'can't close a fridge door'
(L) Smartphone displaying a social media comment. (R) A wheelchair-bound man tries to open the fridge's door. (Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/A-A-ron98)

The world is filled with naysayers, and often, we come across people who never truly appreciate others. Sadly, there is no way we can outdo them using words. However, these real-life trolls can be silenced by constantly putting in efforts to achieve something big in life. The same happened with a man after a random social media user mocked him for his neuromuscular disability. But the wheelchair-bound Aaron Warren—who goes by u/A-A-ron98 on Reddit—shut the troll down by teaching them a humbling lesson they would never forget.

A Man on a Wheelchair Writing on a Whiteboard. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ivan Samkov)
A Man on a Wheelchair Writing on a Whiteboard. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Ivan Samkov)

The video showed Warren sitting in his wheelchair and scrolling through his smartphone. Diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular disorder, he was simply minding his business until he came across a nasty comment from one vicious troll. The content creator did not let the bully's attempt to put him down get to him. Instead, he decided to show the bully their place.

Picture of a smartphone with its screen showing someone's comment on social media. (Image Source: Reddit | u/A-A-ron98)
Picture of a smartphone with its screen showing someone's comment on social media. (Image Source: Reddit | u/A-A-ron98)

“I don’t think you could even close a refrigerator door,” commented the troll—who used to go by u/Aggressively-Arm-3569—on one of Warren's posts. After showing the disrespectful remark to his followers, Warren—who also happens to be the founder of a shoe-zipping brand named Zipped Brands—displayed how he opened and closed the fridge’s door while seated on his smart and comfy $21,000 mobility chair, per his comment. “Put that in your pipe and smoke it,” the post’s caption added, reinforcing the message Warren conveyed. The nearly 20-second video showed him completing the challenge thrown by the bully without putting in any extra effort.

Picture shared by Aaron Warren revealing details about his prescription drugs. (Image Source: Reddit | u/A-A-ron98)
Picture shared by Aaron Warren revealing details about his prescription drugs. (Image Source: Reddit | u/A-A-ron98)

Moreover, Warren sent a strong reminder to people to embrace whatever challenges life may throw at them. In his other posts, he talked about his reliance on a drug called “Evrysdi,” which is used to treat Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Notably, SMA is a rare genetic condition that causes muscle weakness and atrophy, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. The disease leads to a loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem, causing uncontrolled voluntary muscle movement, degeneration and physical disability. Most online scrollers lauded Aaron’s move to call out the troll.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Crituhcul
Image Source: Reddit | u/Crituhcul
Image Source: Reddit | u/Raspberry_babyLily
Image Source: Reddit | u/Raspberry_babyLily

Warren’s inspiring video teaching the troll a lifelong lesson managed to gain widespread support, including over 5K upvotes and countless reactions. “No need to slam it. Geez! What a cool guy, lol,” u/69edgy420 wrote. “This guy's got a sense of humor,” u/jiuyifanshi emphasized. u/Sir-Poopington added, “I love his stuff. It makes me realize that you make your own happiness. F*** other people and f*** your circumstances.” u/SavePeanut remarked, “This dude is likely 40x smarter than anyone willing to insult the disabled.” u/OddTheRed suggested, "He needs to have a mechanical middle finger installed on that chair." u/KelseyKetchup said, "Isn't it a good feeling to prove someone wrong sometimes?" Others lauded Warren for taking a stand against the uncalled-for comments in the most sane way possible, without stooping to the troll's level.

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