A disabled woman recalls helping a popular boy by doing his homework in exchange for protection.
Those who were bullied during their school years know how it can make the experience a living hell. Reddit user u/pasanquecosas shared her story of being bullied until a popular student defended her, in exchange for her doing his homework. Surprisingly, years later, he reconnected with her and offered unexpected help with something she could have never imagined.
"I've always been good with numbers and responsible, but given that I have CP (cerebral palsy) and walk with crutches, I was an extremely easy target for bullying," the now-29-year-old woman wrote on her Reddit post. One time, her classes got mixed and she got new classmates along with worse bullies. But a popular boy in the class came forward to defend her and also left his notebooks wordlessly. That is when she took the hint that in exchange for defending her, she was supposed to do his homework.
"And so we began our symbiotic relationship. The bullying stopped and I would do his homework every day. We never talked about it and whenever he spoke to me, he sounded angry. It was like that for almost 3 years and his grades went up. I was just grateful I could be at peace in school. We graduated and never spoke or saw him again," the post continued. Then out of the blue, the same guy reached out to her over Instagram a week before she made the Reddit post.
"He told me how good life had been for him, he offered to buy me a house and a car. At first, I thought it was a scam, but we made video calls and he showed me things and it's legit," she wrote. The jock from her class has become a successful businessman who is making millions and living abroad. Fortunately, he never forgot how she helped him get good grades in class and paved the way for him to reach the position where he was standing.
"He said he wanted to repay me 'cause he knew how hard it is to be disabled and a woman in my country specifically. He's not wrong, but I'm doing okay right now, so I declined all his offers. But then I received a call from a medical center, the most expensive where I live, saying I had 3 years of physical therapy paid for," the post continued. The woman still thought it was a joke, so she went to the medical center to check things by herself and realized that her treatment cost had already been paid for.
"I already did my first two sessions and my body feels so much better. I am still clueless because I saw our relationship as purely transactional and now he comes and says he owes me. I am so confused," she concluded her post, thanking people in the Reddit community for their comments, which made her feel less guilty about the whole situation. Strangers on the internet were also amazed to see how the classmate came around to help her payback for all the ways she helped him during school days.
u/KalayaMdsn wrote, "You did his homework for three years and he paid for three years of therapy. It sounds like he knows exactly what he's doing and he wants to say thank you now. Remember that for the wealthy, something that seems crazy generous to us is the monetary equivalent of buying you lunch." u/Fewstoriesocto quipped, "That's a nice gesture you should take it and be thankful, don't turn down on somebody who is trying to be kind. Seemingly with no ill intent." u/paraddidler13 added, "Even back in high school it was a fair transaction in my book since I’m sure him stopping the bullies prevented you from living in actual hell back then. He doesn’t owe you, but he knows gratitude. What a guy."
Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 16, 2024. It has since been updated.