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Delivery person trusted her gut instinct and ended up saving elderly customer from gas leak

After entering just 5 feet into the home, she realized the gas tank was leaking and alerted the customer’s daughter.

Delivery person trusted her gut instinct and ended up saving elderly customer from gas leak
Image source: TikTok/@jessicahiggs3

It's with good reason that we are often told to trust our instinct. Some people have the gift of spotting that something is amiss from what can be a normal setting or a normal turn of events for everyone else. TikTok user @jessicahiggs3 is one of those people. Jessica works as a driver for  grocery delivery company Instacart. Her instincts told her something was out of place at a customer's place. She was asked to drop the groceries outside the door as was customary but she offered to help bring the groceries in as the recipient was an old man. She went against her training and the rules to carry the groceries but soon realized there was a gas leak at the man's home. It ended up saving his life and the internet can't help but applaud the empathy and bravery of the woman. The video went viral and was viewed by more than 17 million people, garnering 3.8 million likes. 





Jessica was emotional in the video posted online. "I just want to start this off by saying, if you see something, say something. I did an Instacart order yesterday. I'm a little emotional right now. And it was a daughter ordering for her older dad that couldn't shop for himself. I do the order, I'm going the extra mile for this customer like I always do," she said. On that particular day, her instinct told her to check in on the man. "But for whatever reason, this time, I was going even farther and checking the bag and everything. And I take the order, gonna drop it off, and she's like, just go ahead and put it on the porch and he'll get it. I was like, alright, cool. That's what I normally do. I get there, and something was telling me, 'No, you got to help this man out,'" she said.


"He came out. And I was like, 'Okay, well, let me help you.' I got the groceries and you're not supposed to go inside someone's house. But I used my judgment. And I brought the groceries inside. Put them down wherever he wanted me to put that. You're not supposed to but I did. And you're just supposed to take a picture and leave. And I could not just leave," she wrote.


After smelling gas in the house, she decided to drop a message for the woman before the order was completed. "I go to message the lady because I was very concerned for her dad that he just looked sick. And I didn't know what to do. So, I messaged her and I said, 'If I say that the order is complete. I won't be able to message you and I want to tell you this. And I said, 'It's very unprofessional of me to say something.' I wasn't going to I never talk I always just put the groceries down and leave. This time, for whatever in my head, I was like 'You gotta say something. You gotta say something, Jess.'" she recalled thinking.


"So I said, 'He's not doing good. He's sick. There's a propane tank in there. I was in there maybe five feet and I got dizzy. There's got to be a leak. He might not be doing good because of this leak. And I just didn't know what else to say" she wrote. The woman changed her tip from $14 to $100 because she went the extra length to help her Dad out and alert her of the potential problem.


The next day, she left a comment revealing how she had indeed saved her father's life. "I'm crying because she commented this morning. And I'll show you. 'Thank you so much, once my son went to check on my dad it turned out it definitely was leaking, you definitely saved my dad and my younger son's life !!!' She then concluded, "So that being said, I'm just an Instacart worker. But if you see something, say something and I did. I'm so happy that I did and I'm so happy that he can live a better life." Tik Tok users praised her for realizing something was wrong and acting on her hunch. 


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