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Delivery person shares absolutely wholesome message they received from customer that made their day

It was not every day that this delivery person experienced such a thoughtful gesture by a customer and was moved by it.

Delivery person shares absolutely wholesome message they received from customer that made their day
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Norma Mortenson, Reddit | u/Croy_Bo

Dedicated to safely delivering the products or food ordered online, the job of delivery personnel calls for interacting with several customers in a day. While some customers may be chatty others prefer almost zero interaction. So, in this job, the employees get to experience people with varied personalities. There are many stories on the internet involving wholesome experiences that delivery executives have had and one such experience was shared by u/Croy_Bo on Reddit. Posting the picture of a chat window from a conversation with a kind customer, the delivery person shared their heartwarming experience and people felt so moved. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Cottonbro Studio

The delivery person captioned the post, "Customer told me to put one specific item in a bag separately when I pulled up to their house," and added, "This is what they messaged me." The screenshot of the chat window showed the customer's message to the delivery person that said, "Hi. You can leave the ice cream that I told you about at the front door. Everything else you can take." She apparently ordered some food items just for the delivery person along with her ice cream. "Thank you and enjoy. I purposely did it," read the messages.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Croy_Bo
Image Source: Reddit | u/Croy_Bo 6

The delivery person expressed their gratitude and wanted to share this heartening incident with the world. They also shared that the packet contained "quality essentials." They added, "I thanked her like a million times. Milk, butter, eggs, bread, rice, water, a Carvel ice cream cake!"

Image Source: Reddit | u/Croy_Bo
Image Source: Reddit | u/Croy_Bo 6

While some users appreciated the customer's kind gesture others shared a similar experience they had during such deliveries. "I love this! Random acts of kindness make me believe there is actually so much good out there still," wrote u/KoalaNaps2. "Whenever I order Instacart from Costco I add a bouquet of flowers and then tell the shopper to keep it. Just a small little gesture to bring a smile hopefully!" commented u/Adorable-Storm474. "That's so cool. My Doordash order was taking forever the other day. Customers texted me and thanked me for waiting for their order, and they really appreciated it. When I finally got them their order, they tipped me $20 cash. I was so thankful. If they only knew how much that helped me Monday!" shared a fellow delivery person u/MarianPuddin.

Image Source: Reddit | u/KimesUSN
Image Source: Reddit | u/KimesUSN


Image Source: Reddit | u/dforr12
Image Source: Reddit | u/dforr12

On a similar note, a video of a delivery driver's wholesome reaction to a homeowner's kind gesture went viral on the internet. Posted by u/Sans010394 on Reddit, the video shows the delivery guy looking at the snacks and juices that the homeowner had left at the door for him. He was simply at a loss for words reading the note that the homeowner left asking the delivery personnel to take what they wanted and asked the ring camera, "Is this right?" Knowing that the stack of snacks might be useful for other delivery guys too, the individual didn't take much other than some chocolates, snacks and juice. Before leaving he said, "You guys are so nice, every time I deliver here. It's so awesome." 

Image Source: Reddit/u/Sans010394
Image Source: Reddit/u/Sans010394

Grateful for such kind-hearted customers, the guy expressed his gratitude. People were so touched by this heartwarming video and u/whalebacon wrote, "It's still amazing to me how it takes so little to have a positive impact on someone's life." u/thewickedsheresisted commented, "This hurts my heart with how sweet this is. It's one thing to have a person put out snacks and trust that people won't abuse the honor system, but it's another to have someone be so thankful and sweet about it." 

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