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Decade-old letters expressing love between a single mom and daughter have the internet in tears

Woman shares the journal that she used for communicating her feelings with her mom and it depicts their beautiful relationship.

Decade-old letters expressing love between a single mom and daughter have the internet in tears
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves

Fearing the long boring lectures that the parents tend to give, children, especially teens and pre-teens, opt to hide their feelings. But, single mother Billie Sue decided to help her two daughters vocalize their feelings by getting them a journal through which they bore their souls. One of the daughters, Avery (@adorableaves) recently shared on TikTok a few letters exchanged between her and her mom from the decade-old journal and people are emotionally touched. 

Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves
Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves

In her first letter, the then 5th grader Avery wrote, "Dear Mommy, do you think I’m mean to Dani? She said she went to you one day and said, 'Mom, Avery is being mean to me,' and you said, 'She's getting to that age.' I try to be nice but I can't help it when she does something to annoy me. I know you’re going to say just ignore her, but I can't." Billie Sue's reply was, "Avery, I think it is normal to get annoyed when you are with someone as often as you are with Dani. I just want you to be respectful and not mean but you don't always have to 'like' her - just love her. Always treat people how you want to be treated. I love you so much! I am so proud of you!" Further, when Avery wondered why she must not tell on her sibling, her mom explained that tattling is not good and that she likes it when the two get along well.

Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves
Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves

In another letter, the mom expressed her love for Avery writing, "Sometimes I look at you and can't believe I created something so beautiful." Little Avery wrote about how she felt about her parents' divorce saying, "I wish me+you+dan+dad = were all one big happy family again. I really miss those days," and her mom replied, "I have often wished we were together too because I can understand how hard it is to have your mom & dad in different places. Just know that we both love you so much. You truly are the best parts of both of us." 

Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves
Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves


Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves
Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves

Billie Sue was moved when her daughter wrote that she would take care of her mom if she remained unmarried and alone during her old age and even reassured her that she would change her mom's diapers. Avery innocently wrote, "I honestly don't want you to get married to anybody! I want you all to myself!" and her mom wrote back, "I see such good things in your future and I think God blessed you with many special gifts. I am so happy He chose me to be your mom because we are going to have such a fun life together." When Avery shared about a boy at school who makes her feel awkward, the mom wrote back, "We can't always control the actions of others. Have you tried saying 'I don't like it when you talk like that in front of me?'"

Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves
Image Source: TikTok | @adorableaves


Image Source: TikTok | @emily_yanggg
Image Source: TikTok | @emily_yanggg


Image Source: TikTok | @urnsam
Image Source: TikTok | @urnsam

The mom made sure that her daughter didn't feel the weight of having divorced parents and people feel that her parenting approach healed their inner child. This heartwarming exchange between the mom-daughter duo went viral on TikTok and over 12.3K comments swarmed in. @bowbowlaneeka commented, "I’ve been told that I’m very 'soft' on my son but I want to raise an emotionally wise child. Reading this validated my parenting. I will continue." Another user, @mmmalawii, wrote, "This healed my inner child and it's not even my mom. What a beautiful way of parenting! I wish other parents would understand that there are different ways."

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