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Daughters gang up to imitate everything 'mommy says' — and honestly, it shouldn't be this funny

These kids hilariously imitate their mother, and the internet can’t decide if it’s funny or just brutally honesty.

Daughters gang up to imitate everything 'mommy says' — and honestly, it shouldn't be this funny
Daughters mimicking their mother (Cover Image Source: Instagram | @storyofthislife)

Ever caught your kids imitating your every move—crossing their arms just like you, mimicking your tone or even repeating a phrase that even you didn't realize that you said so often? Well, kids are like tiny sponges, absorbing everything around them, especially the things they hear or watch their parents doing. On a related note, a mother who goes by @storyofthislife on Instagram asked her kids to imitate things that "Mommy says," and the result was downright hilarious. It is both funny and a bit eye-opening to see how children unconsciously pick up things from daily interactions. Want to know how? Keep reading!

Daughters mimicking their mother (Image Source: Instagram | @storyofthislife)
Daughters mimicking their mother (Image Source: Instagram | @storyofthislife)

The Instagram reel began with her daughter channeling her inner mom, pretending to be on a call but only to dramatically pause mid-call and yell, "What's going on?" — a perfect imitation of how their mother would react to their latest mischief. The scene then shifted to her other daughter standing next to the refrigerator like a little security guard, sternly announcing, "No more snacks!" — a patent dialogue of perhaps all mothers. And just when you thought the video couldn't get any better, one of her daughters, pretending to be in the shower, asked, "Can I just have 5 minutes?" echoing the universal plea of all exhausted mothers worldwide. The scene then switched to her daughter sitting in front of a toy-filled battlefield, shaking her head in disbelief, and she said, "I am getting rid of all these toys. I am sending them to Goodwill."

Daughters mimicking their mother (Image Source: Instagram | @storyofthislife)
Daughters mimicking their mother (Image Source: Instagram | @storyofthislife)

But wait, there's more! Don't miss the tiny mimic artist letting out an over-the-top sigh when she demanded her much-needed coffee—because handling them all day long definitely calls for some caffeine. "If I hear 'Mommy' one more time, Mommy's going to lose it," her daughter said, replicating their mother being annoyed. "I don’t think the kids (or us adults) ever laughed so hard making a video," the woman shared in the video caption. The humorous Instagram reel received an overwhelming response on the platform, with several parents even sharing personal anecdotes in the comments. 

For instance, @ticiany.freischlad commented, "I laughed SO hard after watching this. And I am Brazilian. But it's the same script in every household. Momish is a universal language I have figured." Similarly, @msto1126 revealed, "My husband and I were with our oldest child this one time when she was in high school. Just me and her and my husband. We have 3 more kids. So I said, 'If we never had more kids after you, this would be it; this would be our family. Wouldn’t that be weird?' And without missing a beat, she said, 'It would be weird, and I don’t think I’d like it as much. But at least you’d get my name right!'"

Image Source: Instagram | @laura_alvarez_coaching
Image Source: Instagram | @laura_alvarez_coaching
Image Source: Instagram | @oreoluwa_osibajo
Image Source: Instagram | @oreoluwa_osibajo

@panda_n.o wrote, "The fact that moms from every part of the world are agreeing this is relatable makes it so much better. Love it so much." On the other hand, @glory_dominic_ shared, "The fact that she tells everyone to leave her alone for five minutes, then later asks where one of the kids is because the place is too quiet—priceless! And when she suddenly suggests, 'Let’s play the silence game!' you just know the noise was getting out of hand." @viviangreen_ pointed out, "Mom is clearly doing a good job being expressive enough for them to hear her!"

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