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Daughter surprises mom with graduation cap and gown that she didn't get to wear 40 years ago

The mom had the most heartwarming reaction when her daughter gifted her graduation cap, gown and hood.

Daughter surprises mom with graduation cap and gown that she didn't get to wear 40 years ago
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee

Graduation is a special day for everyone because they get rewarded for the hard work they did through the years. However, what if someone was told days before the ceremony that they wouldn't graduate? That's what happened with Miranda's mother. Years later, her daughter ensured Pamela Renee Martin was acknowledged for how she helped her through law school. Miranda surprised her with a graduation cap and gown and her mother's joy had no bounds.

Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee
Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee

The daughter posted this wonderful moment on her Instagram. It started with a text overlay and it read, "POV: Your mom is normally a straight-A student but failed one class in her final semester of law school and was told four days before graduation that she wouldn't be allowed to walk at the ceremony." She continued that Martin never got to wear her cap and gown or got to celebrate her accomplishments. "So to thank her for helping you through law school you order her cap and gown and plan a surprise mother-daughter graduation photo shoot," the daughter shared.

Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee
Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee

Martin then was seen opening a box and became emotional seeing what was inside. She told Miranda, "You didn't." She first took out a hat from the box and emoted, "You got me my funny little hat" and started to cry. The mom even tried the hat and said, "Oh, it fits." She could not hold back her tears again. She then took out the graduation gown which was black and purple, and when she saw a hood along with it, she cried and asked, "And a hood?"

Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee
Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee

Martin shared with her daughter crying, "I waited for long." The mother loved the graduation gown and kept repeating, "Oh, wow!" She then exclaimed, "This is the best thing ever!" and got emotional. In the next frame, the mother-daughter both wore matching graduation attire. Later, they were seen having a photoshoot, posing for the camera. The mom took a picture in the graduation attire and then Miranda took pictures wearing a white dress with the graduation hood and hat. It ended with the duo hugging each other and the daughter said, "We are going to finish."

Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee
Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee

The video garnered 163k views on the social media platform and was captioned, "Pamela Renee Martin, Esq. Every graduate deserves their moment to shine! So happy that I and my siblings could pull off this surprise for our mom. She deserves all this and more. I hope this can show people that it’s never too late to celebrate and make dreams come true!" People loved the surprise that was given to Martin. @markierae commented, "Crying! My mom never went to college and went back when I did to get a degree. I also got to wear a cap and gown with her, which was so special. Congrats to you both!" 

Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee
Image Source: Instagram | @miranda_gracee

@dorcasisdope wrote, "Goes to show no matter how high you go, what your accomplishments become, the ability to be recognized and to be celebrated is priceless." @withcurvesandgrace expressed, "Of course, the hat fits, it was always meant to be on her head!! Congratulations on not only your accomplishment but also your mom’s!" @creolecigarqueen shared, "This was so heartfelt and beautiful to watch. What a special tribute to my beautiful Soror. Congratulations to you both." @dr_marcda said, "As an immigrant who came here and became a doctor and knows how much my parents did, I gave them my original doctoral diploma. This is so sweet. God sees what you have done. She will never forget this! Congrats!!!! May both of your careers be golden."

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