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Daughter shares mom's unabashed kindness towards others and it's what the world needs right now

Gayle Noble, 77, has made it her life's mission to spread joy everywhere she goes.

Daughter shares mom's unabashed kindness towards others and it's what the world needs right now
Cover Image Source: Instagram/@gayle.tales

One of the hardest qualities to have in this world is kindness. The world has become competitive, harsh, and selfish, and in such circumstances showing empathy is considered a sign of weakness. But not for Gayle Noble, who has made it her life's mission to spread joy everywhere she goes. She does not care that her actions make her stand out or that they might be a tad bit overbearing for her age. All she wants to do is bring smiles to other people's faces. Her daughter has created an Instagram page @gayle.tales dedicated to her stories, which quickly gained a lot of traction on the internet.

Image Source: Instagram/@gayle.tales
Image Source: Instagram/@gayle.tales

In a video, the daughter shared with people showing how Nible loves doing random acts of kindness. The story is told in the form of a montage featuring her various pursuits. In the text overlay, the daughter states that after retirement, "she gets up at 5 am every Monday to deliver muffins to post workers." This "aggressive generosity" was not always easy on her family with her daughter feeling embarrassed by her unabashed knack of helping. But as she has grown older she understands her mother a little better. She respects Noble's desire to make the world a better place with her generous acts.

Image Source: Instagram/@gayle.tales
Image Source: Instagram/@gayle.tales

One of the first videos that amassed many views from her account featured Noble giving gifts to her daughter. The catch was that many of those gifts had a special bearing. Several of them she got from people who she helped in one way or another. The proceedings start off with, "flowers that Trader Joe's employees gave to her and bananas" for always being so loving towards them. The next one was "Tortilla wrap things" given by her neighbor for picking up their leaves. Even at the age of 77 she never shies away from giving others a hand in their tasks and making their life easier. Noble then brings out the "greeting cards" she got from the garbage man because she gave him Oreos. She also got many of the offerings on her own like red grapes, wishbone, oranges, green bananas, nummy plums, and more flowers. It was heartening to see someone be so happy just with the simple act of giving. 

Image Source: Instagram/@darbyannewalker
Image Source: Instagram/@darbyannewalker


Image Source: Instagram/@elena_ailes
Image Source: Instagram/@elena_ailes

The comment section absolutely adored Noble. @davidlcantu shared how his perception of kindness has also changed with time, "I also used to be embarrassed of being kind to people because it seemed like none of the 'cool' people acted with kindness. I now realize treating people with kindness is one of the most valuable things we can do with our time. And I have a brand new definition of who the cool people are. Funny how we see things in our youth, isn’t it?" @ami_witha_eye shared her own experience with Gayle and commented, "Gayle used to bring my daughter cupcakes, we used to live right around the corner from her, what a wonderful woman. I always loved talking with her, she is full of really cool info… like her tie-dye process."


In an interview with CBS News one of the UPS workers touched by Gayle's kindness shared how her presence just lights up the space. "It's nice every morning to have that smiling face come in," said Bryan, a UPS employee. "She'll tell us, 'You guys have such a hard job, I know what you're going through, I've done it before, and here's some muffins to get you through the day!'" Noble for as long as she can remember had this passion to spread joy in the world. It was encouraged by her family. "When I was 5 or 6, my grandpa would let me go to the store and buy different things, and then he would take me where I wanted to give them," she said. "He started, you know, nurturing that. He said, 'That's our job in life.'"

You can follow Gayle Nobles (@gayle.tales) on Instagram for more such tales of kindness.

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