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Dad begged his daughter to not donate her kidney to him — she ignored his plea and saved his life

A 25-year-old nurse from Kirkwood, Missouri, had been planning to donate a kidney to her father John Ivanowski for the last nine months.

Dad begged his daughter to not donate her kidney to him — she ignored his plea and saved his life
Cover Image Source: GoFundMe

Delayne Ivanowski, a 25-year-old nurse from Kirkwood, Missouri, secretly planned to donate a kidney to her father, John Ivanowski, despite his objections. John had been diagnosed two years earlier with IgA nephropathy, a kidney disease, and tests eventually revealed he was in kidney failure. Though John insisted he didn’t want his daughter to donate, Delayne knew he needed a transplant to survive, as reported by Good Morning America.

Despite her father's constant resistance, Delayne moved forward with her secret plan to donate a kidney to her father. She kept her plans a secret as she went through the necessary procedures ahead of becoming a donor. John was on dialysis at the time and would receive treatment three times a week for at least three hours at a time. He was worried about the possible physical repercussions his daughter could face after donating one of her kidneys, especially after losing his only other child to cancer more than 15 years ago.

Image Source: TikTok/ @delayne_i
Image Source: TikTok/ @delayne_i

The surgery was originally scheduled for October 30, 2022, but had to be postponed after John suffered injuries from falling out of a tree while hanging a deer stand. Rescheduled for February 16, the transplant went ahead successfully this time. Staff at Washington University & Barnes-Jewish Transplant Center worked diligently to keep Delayne’s donation a secret throughout the process. The day after the surgery, Delayne revealed the truth to her father by walking into his recovery room still in her hospital gown and connected to an IV.


John has since changed his tune, saying, “I wouldn't change a thing. I feel so much better.” Delayne is now raising money via GoFundMe to help pay for their medical bills. Nearly $10,000 has been donated through the online fundraiser. She thanked those people who have donated so far, adding that “insurance doesn’t cover” the costs of both of their surgeries.

Image Source: TikTok/ @delayne_i
Image Source: TikTok/ @delayne_i

Delayne Ivanowski’s selfless act of love and generosity is truly inspiring. Despite her father’s resistance, Delayne made up her mind to help her father in any way she could. She kept her plan secret for nine months and when the doctors performed the surgery, it was successful. John has since expressed his gratitude for his daughter’s actions and Delayne is now raising money to help cover the costs of their medical bills. Delayne’s story is a reminder of the power of love and the length a person will go to in order to help their loved ones.

This article originally appeared 2 years ago.

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